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Dear diary,
  Sorry I haven't been paying much attention to you lately. How long has it been? 8 months? It's just that so many things have been happening.
  First of all, I got married! And it wasn't to Hiroto, fortunately. He's handling the Kira Company amazingly! They're slowly reaching the top of the market! We also managed to get strong ties with them without a marriage so all is well.
  Ichirouta is a great person and husband. I moved to Inazuma Town and we got ourselves a house! I'm a terrible housewife but then again, I never grew up learning how. Natsumi is really doing well with chores. Though I can't say the same about her cooking. I wonder how Endou manages to put up with it everyday.
  I'm still learning how to cook something other than takoyaki but luckily Ichirouta can cook too. I'm taking lessons so I can surprise him! I'm also learning how to do chores around the house so I don't always have to rely on Ichirouta to do them. I have to do my part too.
  We hardly have any problems with finances though. He got into the Pro Leagues without a problem and I got myself a position in the Soccer Association for Junior Leagues. The only problem is the appearance of Fifth Sector. We're doing an investigation whether anything shady is happening or not but nothing has come up yet.
  Rika is still in Osaka helping her mom out with their Okonomiyaki store. She keeps whining to me about how she wants her mom to hurry up and retire so she can take the store for herself. Nothing out of the ordinary. Ever since she finally got over Ichinose (who's in America), she's been wanting to get the store and find herself someone. I hope she does soon because her whining is really starting to annoy me.
  Ah, I almost forgot. Sakuma became Teikoku's soccer club advisor with Kidou as coach. They're in the Resistance against Fifth Sector so hopefully being under the control of them will get us a lead.
  We also decided that the three of us are going out again tomorrow for drinks. Though I hope Ichirouta doesn't drink too much. He becomes a slight handful when he's drunk. I might need Sakuma's help when bringing him home.
  Sakuma's also a great help. He gives me great ideas on how to surprise Ichirouta and they always work! Though his plan this time is kinda less interesting. Just flat out say it? And tonight?! Seriously, I still don't understand it.
  I'll have to stop here now because Ichirouta just came back. I made takoyaki for the occasion so maybe he'll get a hint something big is coming! Can't wait to see the look on his face when I tell him I'm pregnant!

Kazemaru Touko

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