Chapter 10

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  "You may kiss the bride,"
  Cheers echoed throughout the chapel when the newlyweds kissed and everyone was happy for them. It had been nine years since the first FFI and they finally all got together once again for Endou and Natsumi's wedding.
  "Congratulations on your marriage, Natsumi," Touko congratulated with a smile. "May you live a happy marriage."
  "Thank you, Touko-San," Natsumi smiled back.
  "I was happy to finally hear your voice again when you called me the other day. Glad to see that you lasted this long," Touko giggled.
  "Yes, I'm still a bit surprised myself," Natsumi giggled along.
  "Congrats, Endou," Kazemaru congratulated, giving him a pat on the back.
  "Thanks, Kazemaru," Endou grinned. "You still have that thing going on with Sakuma?"
  "Yeah. Can't believe it's lasted nine years," Kazemaru scratched his head.
  Touko kept her word about visiting. Every month, she would visit for a few days to hang out with the two and occasionally Aki and Haruna as well. Unfortunately, whether she's too embarrassed to admit it or the feeling isn't there, she hasn't said a word about sharing mutual feelings yet.
  "I heard my name," Sakuma smiled, walking in on the conversation.
  "Glad to see you're still doing well, Sakuma," Endou said. "Just talking about the rivalry you have with Kazemaru."
  "Woah he knows?" Sakuma raised an eyebrow.
  "I talk about it with him sometimes," Kazemaru shrugged.
  "Still," Endou muttered while looking at the two ladies. "A curse?"
  "Unbelievable, isn't it?" Sakuma sighed.
  "Any progress?" Endou asked.
  "I'm unsure. I haven't confessed at all since that time," Kazemaru smiled sadly.
  "Not even once?! I always tell her at least once each visit!" Sakuma exclaimed.
  "But it always results into something wrong and I end up paying for whatever mess I caused. Metaphorically and economically speaking," he sighed.
  "Endou, I'm sure other guests want to talk to you so why don't you go ahead?" Kazemaru suggested.
  "Ah okay then. Let's meet at the dinner later!" he grinned and walked to the crowds.
  "How did you know that I wanted to talk to you alone?" Sakuma asked.
  "I don't know what you're talking about,"

  "When do you plan to tell her?" Sakuma asked.
  "That's the thing. I'm afraid I'll ruin the relationship that we have already," Kazemaru bit his lip.
  "You overthink it," Sakuma sighed. "We may be rivals but I'll tell you that you're running out of time. Remember her position."
  "She's the prime minister's daughter...?" Kazemaru raised an eyebrow and then it clicked. It was because she was the prime minister's daughter he was running out of time. How many times has she gone to balls or galas and met other suitors? What if she has to marry a rich suitor who would benefit the country and she eventually warms up to him?
  "Understand?" Sakuma asked.
  "S-She still manages to make time to visit, doesn't she?" he tried to deny. He couldn't accept the reality.
  "How much shorter have they become since they began?"
  Kazemaru grit his teeth and clenched his fist. Now he could no longer deny the reality. He had to tell her again sooner or later. It's been nine years.
  "And why are you telling me all this?" he asked with a smirk.
  "You've become so dense that it's become boring," Sakuma joked.
  "Always looking for excitement, huh?"

  Night had fallen and the post-wedding dinner was at full blast. Music blared from the speakers and chatters added to the noise. Touko was sitting with the other managers and Rika and they were reaching a sensitive topic for Touko.
  "To be married... so romantic!" Rika squealed. Touko flinched.
  "Natsumi-San is very lucky to get a guy like Endou-Kun. They're sure to live happily," Aki sighed.
  "Y-Yeah," Touko gave an awkward smile. "Although I'd rather not talk about marriage right now..."
  "Why? Worried you'll never find a boyfriend?" Rika snickered. "You already have two options open to you."
  "Yes but..." Touko muttered and looked down. Rika knew that she couldn't joke anymore. It was getting serious.
  "Okay, what's wrong?" Rika asked.
  "Is something bothering you, Touko-San?" Haruna asked.
  Touko stayed silent without lifting her head up.
  "Touko-San, I'm sure it'll be easier if you open up than to bottle it. We're all close friends, aren't we?" Fuyuka said softly, holding her shoulder.
  Touko looked up and sighed. "I'm being married off."
  "What?!" the girls exclaimed.
  "Wait how?! Don't you have that... uh... Virgin Curse?" Rika asked.
  "It's Maiden Curse and it's a really complicated story," Touko sighed.
  "You don't mind explaining it?" Aki asked.
  "Everyone will find out anyway. Some of the guys here know already," Touko said, jerking her head to where all the Sun Garden children, or adults, were.
  "Kiyama-Kun, Midorikawa-Kun...? How would they know?" Fuyuka asked.
  "Hiroto's basically my fiancé at this point,"
  "Wait, Hiroto?!" Rika shrieked. "How?!"
  "You know how he inherited the Kira company from his somewhat adoptive father?" Touko started. The girls nodded.
  "Technically, he's Kira Hiroto now right?" Aki asked.
  "Yup. And my genius grandfather thought since they're such a good company, why not have ties?" Touko said in an exaggerated manner. "And since they're the one who caused the Aliea Gakuen incident last time, they want to try avoiding it from happening again."
  "Hasn't your father protested?!" Rika exasperated.
  "Of course he has. I have. Hiroto has. We all have," Touko slumped in her seat. "But my grandfather is really powerful. You can't just say no."
  "Doesn't he realize you have feelings?" Haruna asked.
  "He's still from the old generation. Girls are just to increase family ties. Nothing more. Got even worse when he found about the curse. Said no one would look for me and looked down on me since," Touko sighed.
  "What are Hiroto's thoughts on this?" Rika tapped the table impatiently.
  "His father is indebted to my grandfather for at least giving him the information about the incident regarding his son. He has to follow through with it," Touko explained. "I hate how he has ties with everyone."
  "Can't the curse be used as an excuse?" Rika asked.
  "My grandfather has it all thought out. Only when one says anything affectionate will something happen if it's not reciprocated. Just don't say it. Which won't be a problem since we don't share any romantic feelings anyway,"
  "No solution?"
  "I managed to negotiate that if I get my curse broken, we're off the hook," Touko sighed. "But the likeliness of that happening is close to none."
  "Haven't you been hanging out with Kazemaru-Kun and Sakuma-Kun a lot? Surely you've developed feelings for one right?" Aki asked.
  "I do but can I really get what I want?" Touko murmured. "After so long, how sure am I that he likes me back? What if it's become more of a brother-sister relationship? What if he doesn't see me that way anymore? It scares me." She clutched her arms and shrunk. "Why am I only realizing this feeling now...?"
  "Touko-San!" Natsumi came running towards their table and hugged Touko. "I'm so sorry."
  "What for...?" Touko's small sniffles were muted by the music.
  "I overheard everything from Endou-Kun and Hiroto-Kun. I didn't know this would hurt you," Natsumi said softly.
  "Natsumi, can I ask you a question?"
  "What's it like being in love?"

  All the pro league soccer players couldn't believe their ears. A match-up that they thought would never happen in their entire life was made.
  "No dates, no bonding, just married? Like that?" Sakuma asked.
  "Touko's grandfather gave my father information about the Kira Hiroto incident. My father is indebted to him and me to my father," Hiroto lowered his head with a sad smile.
  "It must've been hard for you to take it all in," Fubuki pat his back.
  "No, I'll be able to pull through. It's for my father after all," Hiroto smiled weakly. "Although I'm worried Touko won't."
  "Why? What's the matter?" Kazemaru asked.
  "I thought you of people would know," Hiroto raised an eyebrow. "She likes someone already."
  That punched Kazemaru straight in the gut. First, his first and only love likes someone else and now she's forcefully getting married to someone else? How's she attending this wedding with a smile?
  "Hiroto," Touko walked up to him and whispered something in his ear. He stiffened and scanned the crowd. "I'm sorry," Touko apologized.
  "Don't worry about it," Hiroto gave a soft smile to comfort her and gave her his hand. "May I have this dance?"
  "O-Of course," Touko took his hand and they joined those who were already on the dance floor.
  "Why're they bothering to make it public?" Fudou raised an eyebrow. "Not everyone needs to know."
  "Higher ups are here," Midorikawa joined the group.
  "Higher ups?" Kidou queried.
  "Security. Not from our company, so probably on Zaizen-San's orders," Midorikawa glanced at the supposed wedding security.
  "I don't remember hiring security though..." Endou murmured.
  "My father did," Natsumi explained. "He's just being overprotective. Touko-San's father offered to lend security."
  "Her grandfather must have interfered somehow. But why?" Kidou murmured to himself.
  "To ensure that they'll eventually warm up to each other. Unless Touko fulfills her half of the negotiation, they're still engaged," Midorikawa clenched his fist. "But still... to force it onto them like this..."
  "Why don't we just ask her to tell us who she likes and get that person to confess?" Kogure asked nonchalantly.
  "Kogure-Kun!" Haruna scolded. "You don't simply ask a girl who they like! It's an invasion!"
  "Hiiiih!" Kogure screeched, surprised by her appearance.
  "We'll have to narrow it down then," Gouenji said.
  "It's definitely someone who she's spent a lot of time with!" Toramaru piped in.
  "Someone that she'll always make time for," Ichinose added.
  "Someone like..." they all turned to Sakuma and Kazemaru.
  "Eh?" they said.
  "She comes to Inazuma Town every month to visit the two of you," Rika leaned in. "For NINE years."
  "W-What if it's the son of some politician she met?" Kazemaru stuttered.
  "If that was the case, she would've stopped visiting completely," Kidou replied.
  "We have to give it a try," Sakuma pat Kazemaru's shoulder. "For her sake."
  Kazemaru glanced at him. He could get friend zoned. He could get downright rejected. He could get heartbroken. But deep down, he knew. He'd put it off long enough. He had to man up.
  "Alright. Let's save her again."

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