Chapter 4

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>>Kazemaru's POV 🌪

It's been an hour since they've gone. I wonder if he did anything to her.

"I should look for them..." I mutter to myself and make my way to the doorway.

There, I meet Fudou lying on a bench.

"What're you doing there?" I ask him.

"Hm?" he grumbles as he turns to face me. "Oh it's you Kazemaru."

He sits up and a smirk appears on his face.

"So, who are you looking for?" he asks smugly.

I heat up.

"N-No one in particular," I murmur.

"There's nothing to hide, Kazemaru-Kun. You're pretty easy to read," he shrugs.

I seethe silently. Fudou is starting to get on my nerves.

"It's the pinkette ain't it? Zaizen Touko, wasn't it?" he smirks.

I feel a vein pop and it takes a lot of power to stop myself from lunging at him.

"You fancy her, don't you?" he presses.

Another vein pops. This is mere amusement to him yet it's pure torture for me.

"What do you know?" I growl.

"Let's just say you have some tough competition," he shrugs. "Captain's one of them."

"I know that very well," I glower.

"Eyepatch is pretty keen on her as well," he continues. "At the rate they're going, they could—"

"Not. Another. Word," I growl.

Fudou sweat drops and backs up a bit.

"No need to get all feisty, geez," he mutters.

I sigh and open the door.

"Just be cautious with your words," I warn him.

Just as I am about to close the door, he mutters some words.

"Italy district," is all I catch. I close the door while smiling to myself.

Fudou ain't such a bad guy after all.

>>Touko's POV 🗼

I can't believe Sakuma really pulled off a stunt like that. Sure I admit I'm dense but I ain't that dense. Besides, I already have someone special in my heart. But he seems to be way denser than me.

"Want to go to the England district? I hear there's going to be a mini parade there," Sakuma suggests.

"A parade? They allow stuff like that here?" I question.

"I hear it's to keep the people staying there feel like they're still at home. England is pretty fancy after all," he shrugs.

"Ehhh... Let's go then!" I cheer.

We walk towards the exit but notice a familiar blue.

"Kazemaru? What're you doing here?" Sakuma asks. The tone he uses, however, sounds like a growl.

"Just looking around. Fancy meeting you here though," Kazemaru says.

"Yeah... Fancy that," Sakuma murmurs in a low voice.

The situation then becomes silent. Oh god, I hate awkward moments like this!

"H-Hey, since we're all touring around, why don't we go together? The more the merrier, right?" I suggest. This'll make them chill out right? They're in the same team so they have to get along.

"That's a great idea, Touko," Kazemaru praises as he throws an arm around me. "You don't mind at all right, Sakuma?"

He seems hesitant. I can't let it end like this!

"Please, Sakuma?" I plead, putting on the best pleading face I could muster.

It takes him a few seconds but he sighs.

"F-Fine. If you say so," he grumbles.

"Yatta!" I cheer. "You're following us to the England district then!"

"I'm fine with that," Kazemaru smiles.

"Let's go!" and I run ahead of them.

>>Sakuma's POV 🐧

This bastard... He did that on purpose. Just when we were going great. I glare at him when Touko isn't looking. Of course Kazemaru notices and he gives a small smirk.

"Can't let you have all the fun, right?" he smirks.

"Tch," is all I can throw at him.

"Oi! Stop lagging behind!" Touko scolds the two of us.

"Hai, hai," Kazemaru gives her a gentle smile and walks ahead.

I seethe silently as I follow up. I wanted to say no but Touko's face was seriously too cute to turn down. I swear she cast a spell over me.

"Waaah!" I hear her beside me. I look in front and I see why.

England's district is very decorated and a model of Big Ben is in the center. There is also a building that seems to be the Buckingham Palace. Unlike Italy's district, there is one large street in the middle that I assume is for the parades.

"England's still pretty merry even though they're out of the competition," Kazemaru wonders.

"I guess that's how English people are," I sigh.

A huge crowd suddenly appears and pushes us toward the street.

"W-Woah!" I stumble. I look for Touko's hand and immediately grab it. "That's you right, Touko?"

"No that's me you're grabbing," I hear a deeper voice than expected.

"Kazemaru?!" I cry then quickly shift my mind to more important matters. "Did you manage to get Touko?"

"No," he sighs. "Come one, we have to find her before something bad happens."

I shiver at the thought. If Touko gets hurt because of me...

"O-Oi, let go!" I'd recognize that voice anywhere.

"Touko!" the two of us yell. We look at each other and nod. This is no time to bicker about love affairs. For now, we have the same priority; saving Touko.

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