Chapter 5

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>>Kazemaru's POV 🌪

  Me and Sakuma head for the direction of her voice. The crowds continuously push us back, making it harder to reach her. I look around and see her hat poking out.

  "There!" I shout to Sakuma, pointing at the direction and we both manage to push our way through.

  "How many times do I have to tell you to let go of me?!" we hear her yell.

  "That alleyway!" Sakuma points out and we go that way. We run and run until we hit a dead end, where we see two large guys cornering Touko.

  "Don't you two have something else to do?" she sneers.

  "This is more fun," a blonde guy snickers.

  "You seem really interesting," slurs a redhead.

  "Oi! Let her go!" I yell.

  "Hm?" the blonde guy grunts. "What's a bunch of children doing here?"

  "Nandato?!" I growl.

  "Kazemaru... Sakuma..." Touko murmurs.

  "Go home kids. You're better off there," the redhead shoos us.

  "Let our friend go!" Sakuma yells.

  "And why should we?" snickers the blonde.

  "You bastards are probably cowards, cornering people like that," I smirk. In truth, I'm terrified. The two of them are pretty big and we can't afford a fight to break out. I look at Sakuma and by the way he shivers, we're thinking of the same thing.

  "Whaddya know?" the redhead growls. "Wanna teach them a lesson, Ted?"

  "Yeah, let's," the blonde snickers as he cracks his knuckles.

  Me and Sakuma take a small step back. I didn't think it would take a violent turn. Tch, if only there was a soccer ball somewhere...

  "Kazemaru! Sakuma! Stand back!" Touko yells.

  "W-What?" we stutter, shocked from the sudden call.

  "The Tower! V2!" she yells and uses her hissatsu. She strikes the two with lightning and quickly jumps off her tower, which disappears as fast as it was summoned.

  "Let's go!" she cries and grabs our hands, dragging us out of the alley.

  "Are they following us?" Sakuma asks and we turn our heads.

  "Stop right there!" they growl.

  "Tch, we need to further delay them," I mutter. I look around and find a soccer ball on the street side. "Sakuma!"

  "No explanation needed," he smirks and grabs the ball. "Take her to safety!"

  I nod and quickly pick Touko up, bridal style.

  "If you don't mind," I say.

  "Mm, it's alright," she murmurs and wraps her arms around my neck. Normally I would flush beet red but I don't have time for that.

  "Emperor Penguin..." I hear Sakuma murmur.

  I know it's my cue and turn to face the crowd. I smirk to myself. This'll be like passing a bunch of defenders.

  "Shippu Dash!" I cry and get through the crowd with the fastest speed possible.

  I feel Touko's grip tighten and I grit my teeth. We have to get out of here. We reach the other side of the crowd and I turn my head. We can't leave Sakuma behind. We wait a moment before Sakuma's head pops out of the crowd.

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