Chapter 3

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>>Kazemaru's POV 🌪

  Practice ends after five hours and I'm beat.

  "Good job, everyone!" Aki says, passing out water bottles.

  "With this, the championship is ours!" Haruna cheers.

  "Obviously. You have two Goddesses of Victory on your side after all," Rika scoffs.

  "Goddess my foot," Kogure snickers.

  "Why you—!" and Rika starts chasing Kogure.

  "You did great," I hear Touko's voice behind me.

  I turn around, hoping she was talking to me but she was with Endou.

  "Thanks, Touko. We'll definitely win!" he cheers.

  "Of course you will. You're Endou Mamoru after all," she chuckles.

  My heart squeezes at the sight. I want to make her that happy. To make her smile the way she does with Endou. 

  "Minna! Kudou Kantoku has an announcement!" Aki calls for our attention.

  "Thank you, Kino. Alright, our next match is against The Kingdom. Hibiki-San is on the way to the police with the data you guys got so we should be able to play a fair match tomorrow," Kudou Kantoku announced. "Take this time to rest. Be back by 9.00 pm, alright? That is all."

  "Hai, Kudou Kantoku!"

  Wait, this is my chance! I could ask Touko to tour the island with me!


  "Touko~" Sakuma interrupts me and is already by Touko's side.

  I can't hear what he's saying but it's seems to be similar to my plan. What pisses me off the most is that Touko actually accepts his invite. As they leave, Sakuma turns his head to me and smirks.

  "Tch," is all I manage to get out.

  "Hm? What's wrong, Kazemaru?" Endou asks.

  "Oh, Endou..."

  "I heard you got a small fever earlier. You okay now?" he asks.

  "Yeah, it's no problem," I reply.

  "Yokatta! Can't have Inazuma Japan's fastest member fall sick," he grins as he slaps my back.

  I laugh along but he's wrong. I am sick. Love sick.

>>Touko's POV 🗼

  "It's nice of you to invite me," I smile to Sakuma. "Thank you."

  "It's no problem. Our Goddess of Victory has done a lot for us," he says.

  I blush at the statement.

  "Where do you want to visit?" he asks.

  I think a bit and the Italy district pops into mind.

  "Ah, let's go to the Italy district!" I suggest.

  "That's a good area. Want to get gelato?" he offers.

  "Yes please!"

  We make our way to the Italy district and upon arriving, my expectations are exceeded.

  A model of the Leaning Tower of Pisa is in the center of the district, with multiple alleyways leading to the various branches of the island. Italian styled cabins line the alleyways and the smell of Italian delicacies waft through the air.

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