Chapter 9

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>>Kazemaru's POV 🌪

Tch, so smooth even when we're in a big mess. He never misses a chance, does he?

"G-Good luck," she stammers and she runs off. Good, I don't want her to see my weak side.

"Eh? Going already? But the party's just getting started," the redhead whines.

"Alright enough is enough," I growl. I take a deep breath and calm down. There's always a more peaceful solution. "Let's fight through soccer."

"Hah?" the redhead raises an eyebrow.

"This is the Soccer Island after all. If we're going to fight, it might as well be through soccer," I say.

"He's right. Or are you scared?" Sakuma taunts.

"Tch, we'll show you," the blonde spits.

Conveniently, there is a field nearby and an abandoned ball.

"First to get a goal wins. Simple?" the redhead says.

"Fine by us," Sakuma replies and shoots a quick glance at me. I nod in acknowledgment and we kickoff.

"Time to teach them what REAL soccer is," the blonde smirks and barges straight at us. I pass the ball to Sakuma and move out just in time before he could crash into me. He falls flat on his face and his friend's jaw drops.

"Why you...!" he growls and tries to take the ball from Sakuma. He passes to me and I go straight for the goal. It gets in.

"H-How..." the redhead murmurs.

"Don't tell me you forgot you were challenging the winners of the greatest soccer tournament in the world," Sakuma raises an eyebrow.

"Now you've done it," the blonde murmurs, standing up.

The two of us back up a little. Wasn't this the end?

"Argh!" they come charging at us.

"The Tower! V2!"

Next thing I knew, I saw two half roasted guys sprawled on the ground.

"This should do it, officers," she smiles at two gaping officers. She truly is a force not to be reckoned with.

"A-Alright. You two are coming with us," one says as he holds the blonde's arms behind him.

"We won't forget this," he grunts and the two disappear with the officers.

"I doubt that we'll see them again," Touko grins.

I swear she's an angel.

"No, I'm a goddess. Don't mix me up with those Messengers of the Sky or whatever," Touko sighs.

Ah, I said it out loud.

"You went to call officers?" Sakuma asks.

"Yeah, only officers can stop troublemakers like them. Hardly anyone else has the authority," Touko replies.

"You have pretty high authority yourself though," I sweatdrop.

"Papa's name can't be used like that," she huffs. "You should know that."

"Sorry sorry," I apologize. Then something pops to mind. "By the way, you said something about 'it's happening' or whatever. What happened?"

She stiffens and then slumps. I must've hit a bad spot. 

"Ah you don't have to answer though," I say.

"No, I'll explain," she murmurs. "It's story time."

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