My new " friend "

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Brendan, where do I start his hair is long and blonde not long enough that it reaches his eyes just i don't know it's amazing, oh and his eyes are a dark shade of green, his lips are full and soft. He's about 6'2 where As i am 5'5, he's skinny and muscular. His hands were big and rough and his smile was perfect.
" Anne, Anne wake up the movies done and me and Brendan have to leave" says Jess as she shakes me awake. I notice I had fallen asleep with my head on Brendan's lap.
" oh my gosh I'm so sorry Brendan " I say as I jumped up
" it's fine I don't mind" he says with a smile as he meets my eyes again
" alright well I'm gonna go get in the car but I think Brendan wants to talk to you" says Jess as she hugs me and walks out
" so " said Brendan
I didn't hesitate I walked right up to him and hugged him as tight as I could and he did the same then he leaned down my nose and his nose were touching and I looked into his eye and kissed him, I put my hands on his neck and he put his on my side and then he picked me up so my legs were around his waist then he pulled away and looked into my eyes, he kissed me again just a short one and set me back down. " we need to hangout soon" he said as he hugged me and walked out. I didn't realize but as I was sleeping he wrote his number on my arm it said " 8106578345 " then underneath that it said " your beautiful " I got out my phone and texted him right away I just said " hey it's Anne " and he replied "I was hoping you would text me"  then he said " I'm going camping tomorrow, wanna come? "
" will there be other people there? " I asked
" yeah " he said
I started packing before I asked my parents. They said yes anyway but I might have neglected to mention that There will be boys there.

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