The trip

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Brendan picked me up the next day at 11:00 am he was right on time, like usual. The first thing I noticed in his car was it smelled like my perfume, I thought that was weird but I decided to forget about it. I had a 2 hour drive ahead of me and I was not going to waste time with Brendan. I was looking out the window thinking when I realized he had turned the radio on and it just so happened to be my favorite song, so I started like mouthing the words and he must have noticed because he started to sing it so I decided to sing too. It was so awesome he grabbed my hand after that song and we held hands all the way down to the camp ground, when we pulled In and got our camp site I noticed no one else was here.
" Brendan where is everyone?" I asked looking around
" oh a lot of people are driving up tomorrow " he said starting to unpack the car
" oh " I said with a little excitement in my voice
" I hope thats ok...oh crap I forgot a second tent" he said running his hands through his hair
" that's ok we can share " I said turning away from him so he could see my smile
" are you sure? " he asks putting his hand on my shoulders. Suddenly I feel like I'm not there with him, I feel like I'm lost in the woods. My body is still next to his but my mind is wandering through the woods alone I'm screaming but it feels as if no one on the earth can here me! Suddenly I feel myself fall to the ground and I blink when I open my eyes Brendan was standing over me looking worried and saying " Anne, Anne, ANNE?!?! " I couldn't answer I was frozen because behind him I saw the man in the white cloak. Brendan must have picked me up because the next thing I remember his his arms around me setting me in the backseat of his car " I'm ok" I managed to get out trying to get up. " no you need to go to the hospital " he said looking into my eyes " Brendan I have to tell you something" I said getting out of the car. " so a few days ago I drew this picture of a man in a cloak and now it has come to this camp with me, it gets inside my head and makes me wanna scream" I explained looking at the ground. " does he have a white cloak? " Brendan says looking at me. I look up " yes how did you kn-" I said as Brendan cut me off " I've seen him too"

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