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I woke up the next morning and just like Brendan said he was right there waiting for me,  his eye still black and his smile still big. " Jessica is here, she wants to see you" he said unzipping the door to the tent and there she was, Jessica my best friend. " Anne I'm so sorry Louis did that, he's not a real friend I guess, I went to see him in the hospital-" she said before Brendan cut her off. " um Jessica she wasn't supposed to know that" he said as he looked down. " Brendan you put him in the hospital?" I asked looking at him " um yeah " he said looking right back at me. " I love you" I said to him, his face got pink and he smiled as big as he could. " I love you too Anne" he said as he walked out. " Jessica I wanna get up I'm tired of feeling sorry for myself, what happened, happened there's nothing I can do now" I said standing up and changing my shirt, yes in front of Jessica she's my best friend I've changed in front of her before. I walked out of the tent and immediately Jacob dropped what he was doing at ran to me " hey " I said " hey " he said and then we hugged, he's like my brother. I could tell Brendan was jealous. It was cute he was jealous, I walked up to him and took his hand, so now Jessica and Jacob were putting up the tent when a tall,handsome blue eyed, black haired guy stepped out from behind Jessica's car carrying 2 sleeping bags and 2 chairs. Along with the guy who I assumed was mark came a big golden retriever, no leash no nothing he just followed mark around. After mark set his stuff down I walked over and introduced myself " hey you must be mark, my names Anne" I said holding my hand out " oh Anne it's nice to finally meet you, I've heard all about you from Jessica!" He said shaking my hand. I watched Jessica struggling with the tent so I walked over and helped her, " mark seems nice " I said laughing as we were both struggling with the tent now. " yeah he's a pretty cool dude and he makes me happy, you two will get along great " she said lifting up the tent with the poles. " hey Jess?" I said stopping for a minute " yes " she said also stopping " did Brendan really put Louis in the hospital?" I asked. " yeah he uh he did, he broke Louis's nose and he broke his arm." She said looking straight at me, with no emotions on her face. " oh I see, is Brendan gonna go to jail?" I asked starting to put the tent up again. " no Louis said he tripped and fell down the hill" she said also putting the tent up. I can't believe Brendan did that for me, i hope Louis regrets what he did for the rest of his life. " Anne come over here" said Brendan,I walked over to where he was standing at the door of the tent. " what's up?" I asked letting a big breath out. " you wanna go for a hike later, like just the two of us?" He asked grabbing my waist which he knew was my weakness, he knew it made me go crazy. " sure " I said laughing " but first I have to cook dinner" I said stepping back from his hands. So I went to cook dinner I started cooking when I heard Jessica scream. I stopped everything I did and ran as fast as I could to her, she was in the woods and what I saw next was Jacob grab Jessica, picking her up and moving her. The tree had fallen and Jessica was almost killed. She hugged her brother until mark came running and so did Brendan they both were off gathering wood so it was natural that they were late showing up. Mark ran over and hugged Jessica and kissed her forehead as she wasn't crying but she looked like she was in shock, when mark was done I ran up to her and hugged her. " when I heard you screaming i was seriously about to beat up whatever was making you scream." I said laughing. " yeah well you can still punch the tree if you want " she said also laughing. We walked back to camp and me and Jessica finished cooking dinner for everyone, we had Mac & cheese. Everyone loved it, about an hour of just talking Brendan stood up " me and Anne are gonna go for a walk in the woods alone now." He said walking over to the tent. " I dare you guys to camp in the woods tonight." Mark said smiling " oh you dare us?" I said " what do you say Brendan?" I asked. " let's do it." He said, it took us about an hour to take the tent down and put the sleeping bags away. Then at about 6:00 we were on our way into the woods.

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