Aragorn II, son of Arathorn

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You sat on a rock, throwing pebbles into the Anduin river as Legolas and Gimli came rushing onto the beach.

" Hurry! Frodo and Sam have reached the eastern shore."

You looked up to see the Elf pushing one last boat into the water but no one else moved. You glanced over at Aragorn who was strapping on Boromir's bracers, dirty hair falling into his face. You had helped the ranger send Boromir off into his watery grave.

Legolas looked between you and Aragorn, his face a bit crestfallen. "You mean not to follow them."

Aragorn finished up strapping on the Gondorian bracers as you stood, tossing the rest of your pebbles to the ground. You nodded to the two hobbits rushing deeper into the woods on the other side of the bank.

"Frodo's fate is no longer in our hands." You looked at Aragorn, his head nodding in agreement.

"Then it has all been in vain," Gimli sighed, his eyes full of sorrow, "The Fellowship has failed."

Aragorn looked up, his eyes looking to each of his friends, landing on you a moment longer before he stepped forward, clasping the two males on the shoulder.

"Not if we hold true to each other. We will not abandon Merry and Pippin to torment and death. Not while we have strength left. Leave all that can be spared behind. We travel light." He stooped down to pick up a fallen dagger, handing it to you with a small smile. "Let's hunt some Orc."

Gimli smiled wide. "Yes!"

Legolas nodded and you took the dagger from Aragorn, sheathing it in your waistband. The four of you took off,  your footfalls the only sound in the large expanse of the forest. Renewed excitement filled our blood and your body as you jumped over and dodged fallen orcs on your way to save the halflings.

For three days you ran, tracking and trekking across the slope, hill, and mountain stopping occasionally for rest and refuel. It was nearing the end of the third day, the darkness of night and additional spells of Saruman made it fairly difficult to see anything even by moon and starlight. Therefore, Aragorn called to make camp, Legolas taking first watch as Gimli took no time at all to fall asleep. 

You sat by the fire, throwing dry twigs and clumps of dirt into the flames, the light casting a warm yellow hue around you. Aragorn had just returned to the camp with three small rabbits, wordlessly handing them to you to prepare. You took them and got to work making something edible out of them. You glanced up at the ranger as he got comfortable across from you, the fire dancing off his dark eyes as he gazed at you.

You looked down at the food, deciding to dry it out to eat on the run. "Do you think we will reach them in time?" You didn't mean your voice to come out so quietly but you worried that if you were any louder he would hear your worry for the small Hobbits.

Aragorn leaned his arms forward onto his knees as he fiddled with one of his knives. "They are stronger than you think." He glanced up at you, a kind look in his eyes, "We will find them."

You nodded, looking back down at the rabbits as you continued to dry them out. But something was bothering you in the back of your mind. Closing your eyes, you let out a breath and tried your best to muster up the courage to ask him.

But it was like he could read your mind, his voice making your eyes open. "Speak your mind (Y/n). I can assure you listening to you talk is much more enjoyable than Gimli's snores."

At that exact moment, the Dwarf snored loudly before turning over. The two of you laughed quietly, easing your worried mind. You stood, taking a bit of the already dried rabbit with you as you came to sit by the ranger. Aragorn turned to you, gazing at your hesitant figure but taking the piece of rabbit you handed him.

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