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Jordy Baan as Ethan Grey


"Let go of me!" I scream at Nolan. He chuckles and pulls me closer. I bite on my lip to suppress my tears. They scared the living shit out of me.

"That w-was hilarious." Axel gets out between laughs.

"The way she screamed." Ethan laughs. I've had enough of this. I attempt to wiggle out of Nolan's grip. Damn, his fingers are made out of iron or something.

"Where do you think you're going, kitten?" Nolan purrs in my ear, hot breath hot on my ear.

"A-anywhere but here." I stutter. Nice one Kaelin! Gold star!

"What's wrong with here?" He says quietly in my ear.

"Everything." I say, trying to pull my shaking form together. "Let me go, before I make you."

He smirks and removes his hands from my waist. "I'll see you tomorrow, Kaelin."

"In your dreams!" I call back. I shove open the door to my house. My mom is still at Nolan's house with his parents. I can't believe they did that.

I check the time on my phone, which Nolan reluctantly gave back to me before we started playing road hockey. 10:43pm. I should really get to sleep. I have school tomorrow.

I trudge up the stairs to my room. My knee aches from the pressure I put on it playing road hockey. I forgot my knee brace. I'm lucky I didn't collapse.

I wipe off my makeup and change into black spandex shorts and a white tank top. I flick the light off. Light shines through my window from Nolan's room. I'm glad I changed in the bathroom, I forgot to close my curtains!

I make my way of to my window and peer through it. Nolan, Ethan and Axel are all in his room. Nolan is pacing, Ethan is taping his hockey stick and Axel is leaning casually against the side of the window.

Why must they be so hot? I mean, if they were all ugly assholes I'd have no problem being a bitch to them. Somehow their hotness, especially Nolan's, makes butterflies erupt in my stomach at the thought of them.

What are they doing to me?

I sigh and pad over to my bed. So many questions, not enough answers.

I close my eyes. I'm in the brink of sleep, but I can't shake the feeling that their are several pairs of eyes watching me.


The alarm clock brings agony and depression. As usual. I slam my hand down on it, immediately turning it off. A lazy smile crosses my lips. Victory!

I slide out of the warm covers and let my toes contact the cool carpet. Stumbling into my bathroom, I plug in my straightener before hopping in the shower.

After doing my makeup and hair, I skip into my walk in closet to find something to wear. I finally decide on a short black skater skirt with a grey long sleeved cropped top. To finish off the ensemble, I put on a pair of grey flats.

When I go down stairs, my mom hands me a piece of toast and sends me on my way.

"Have a great day sweetheart!" She yells.

"You too!" I say back as I open the door. School isn't far from where I live, so I walk.

Just when things with Nolan couldn't get anymore awkward, they did.

"Hey Kaelin wait up!" He calls from somewhere behind me. Oh hell no. I sprint away from his voice. My knee protests greatly from the lack of my ankle brace, but I force it to continue. I can hear him gaining on me. My sure footed sprint has become a limping jog.

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