Thirty - Three

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I throw open the door to the basement with my heart in my throat and my hockey team behind me. I walk slowly down the steps because I don't know what could be waiting for me down there.

When I get to the bottom, I see my father and Ethan standing over Nolan, obviously interrogating him. I bite my lip, signaling for my team to halt behind me.

"...betrayed your family, betrayed my children and now you have betrayed the gang." My father sneers. I clench my fist. The only people who betrayed me were my family and, well, Mason.

"The only person who betrayed Kaelin was you and Gage you sick bastard." Nolan seethes.

If I weren't here to save him, I would actually find him standing up for me very hot.

I gesture for the girls to follow me as I creep around the edge of the room. The men are to engaged in their conversation to notice the seven girls stalking them. How could they run a gang if they don't even notice this many people sneaking up on them?

I grip the baseball bat tighter, fearing what I might have to do to my brother, who I still love despite everything he has done. I know that this isn't him; I know that someone has been manipulating him. My main suspect is my father.

Gage raises his fist to hurt Nolan again.

"Get away from him!" I yell, moving forwards. Three pairs of startled eyes turn to my girls and I. The only pair that seems to matter are Nolan's shining amber eyes.

Gage and my father's eyes widen as they take in how truly outnumbered they are.

"Back away from him. Slowly." I order. I probably don't look like the spitting image of someone who could cause damage because of my broken collarbone.

Gage's eyes shift to the ruthless girls behind me before resting them on Hannah. "You backstabbing little bitch," He growls with clenched fists. "Your parents will here of this."

"Shut up!" I yell. "Get the fuck away from Nolan and get on your knees before we make you!"

With shocked faces, they oblige. Once they have their wrists tied behind their backs and are in the custody of Hazel, Trinity and Katrina, I race over to Nolan and throw my arms around him; practically sitting on his lap.

I briefly wonder why he doesn't hug me back until I realize his arms are still tied behind his back. I speedily untie him with shaky fingers, never have I felt so relieved yet panicked at the same time.

Nolan's arms encase me and crush me into his warm chest. I bury my face into his shoulder as the tears begin falling.

"It's okay," He whispers, placing a kiss on top of my head. "I'm right here."

All I can do is sob into his neck. Words cannot describe how truly grateful I am to be in his arms in a safe place.

Words cannot describe how happy I am that he is safe.

"I... I thought... Nolan..." I mumble because I'm not entirely sure how to tell him what I feel. Something is burning inside my chest and begging to be let out, but I'm not sure what it is, or how to release it.

"We're just going to... Yeah... Upstairs!" Ayden squeaks.

Once the basement door closes, Nolan pulls back. "I didn't think I would ever see you again. Or be able to hold you again. Kaelin Summers, I love you. My heart races when I see you and every fucking time you smile at me I feel like the luckiest guy in the world. I am totally in love with you in every single fucking way."

I stare into those beautiful amber eyes, the ones I used to find infuriating, but see the eyes of the man I love instead.


Is that what makes my chest flutter when he glances at me?

When he folds me into his arms and holds me like I'm the most precious thing on earth?

Yes, love.

I am utterly in love with the boy in front of me. I used to think I would never ever fall for him, that I could never even be in the same room as him.

And yet I find myself completely in love with his beautiful soul.

"I love you, too," I whisper into his neck. "But I'm still going to whoop your ass for disappearing on me."

He laughs, his chest vibrating against mine. I can't help but notice how amazing his laugh sounds to me and how good I feel that I caused it.


Tears run down my cheeks and onto my fresh clothes while I watch my brother and my father put into police cruisers. I know that they will be locked up for a very long time.

Gage meant the absolute world to me. He was my role model, my protector and best friend. Hell he was basically my dad for my younger years. My brother taught me everything I know.

And now he's going to be in jail until he's in his thirties, maybe forties. It hurts. My heart is in agony watching him leave me, but I know deep down that he already abandoned me for his gang and my father.

"I'm going to miss him." I sniffle, wiping the tears from my eyes. "I know I shouldn't but-"

Nolan cuts me off by pulling me from his side to face him. "Of course you're going to miss him, kitten." He puts his big hands on my cheeks and uses the pads of his thumb to brush the constant flow of tears away. "He's still your brother, it's okay to miss him even after what he did."

I nod lightly.

I guess it makes sense however I'm still angry that I feel this way.

The hockey girl inside me knows how to distract myself from the hurt I'm feeling.

I lace my fingers behind Nolan's neck and press my lips eagerly to his. He responds by wrapping his arms around my waist and pulling me flush against him.

Nolan's warm hands and soft lips send shivers down my spine and tingles across my lips. Every time he touches me, he is gentle, like I am the most expensive and precious item he has ever felt.

And my body can't get enough.


So this book is almost over !! I am currently planning a spin-off / sequel (I haven't decided) but it will be through Hannah's eyes. How many of you would be interested?

Thanks so much! Until next time ;)

-Court <3

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