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What? I'm his? My brain is unable to form a single thought with Nolan's lips on my neck. I struggle to process this new information.

"Nolan..." I mumble, lightly pushing his hands away from my waist.

"Don't fight it kitten." He whispers in my ear. His hot breath tickling my ear and making me shiver.

"Nolan, this could never work." I mumble. "We are rivals. If our teams found out-"

"My team wouldn't mind." He says, finally moving his face away from my neck.

"What you did to Tristan was not okay." I say. My anger resurfacing. I picture Tristan's smile and it's enough to make me rip myself from Nolan's arms. I shiver. I didn't notice Nolan's jacket sliding off my shoulders as I stood up.

"He touched what is mine." Nolan says while staring at me with those captivating grey eyes.

"I'm not yours, Nolan." I reply, pushing a piece of my hair back behind my ear. "You can't just go beating up any guy who talks to me. This is my life, and I will choose who gets to be a part of it. Goodnight." I spin on my heel and walk back to my porch.

I slam the door to my house in frustration. Nolan is the most possessive and annoying guy I've ever met! Like hello? We're not even friends, let alone dating. If he thinks I'm going to let him sabotage any relationship that I try to have with a guy he's got another thing coming.

I check the time on my phone. It's three in the damn morning. I shiver a little from the chill that resides in my body.

"Hey are you okay?" Hannah asks. I was so wound up in my own thoughts I didn't notice her walking down the steps. Her face is now clear of any makeup, while her hair is swept up in a messy pony tail. She has on my sweatpants and a t-shirt.

"Yeah, I'm fine." I lie, giving her a fake smile.

She looks at me with narrowed eyes. "Kaelin Summers, I know when you're lying and you most definitely are right now." She places a hand on my arm.

"It's okay to not be okay." She whispers. In my heart, I know she's right. But I can't show people I'm weak - let alone Hannah - because then they'll pity me. I don't want to be the wounded puppy or the lost child. I'm strong. Always have been always will be, just like Gage taught me to be.

"I'm fine." I snap. She takes a small step back, making me immediately regret my harsh tone.

"I'm sorry for snapping I'm just tired." I smile. She nods.

"Let's go to bed I'm so tired." Hannah groans. She grabs my hand and drags me up the stairs. She sits on my bed and I plop down beside her.

"Hannah I have a question for you." I say cautiously.

Her head turns towards me. "What?"

"How are you cool with this? I mean Ethan beat up Jacob, the guy you've had a crush on for as long as I can remember. How are you not exploding with fury like I am?" I ask, my voice soft.

She blinks a few times. Her hand runs through her hair while she stares at her lap. "I don't know... I'm not really, I'm just not aggressive. And the way Dryden handled me and dragged me away after..." She trails off.

"I'm not fine with this. At all." She sighs. "I just don't - I'm afraid. They're so much bigger and stronger than us. If we try to retaliate they'll beat us to pulp." Her eyes shine with tears

"I'm going to kill him." I growl.

"No!" Hannah shouts. "Kaelin, that will only lead us to more problems. Sure, you and I can handle it, but what about Alessia? Do you want to see her so bruised she can barely walk?"

Of course I don't want to see Alessia hurt! I don't want to see any of my girls hurt. Somehow I feel the need to get back at Dryden and the Kings for what they put Hannah through tonight. Not to mention that they beat up both of our dates and forced us out of the room! I don't want Alessia or anyone else on my team getting hurt, but we need to show them that what they did isn't right.

So I lie.

I lie to Hannah, whom I trust the most.

I shake my head. I don't even realize how tight my fists are clenched in anger until Hannah puts her hands on top of mine. Slowly she unfurls my fingers and places them on my lap.

"See? Revenge doesn't work. We just have to move on." Hannah says gently. I shrug.

"I guess." I say. "Anyways I'm going to go clean this shit off my face." Hannah giggles a little and nods.

I step into the bathroom. The open window sends a cold breeze in. Sighing, I slam the window shut. I walk towards the mirror and gasp a little when I see my appearance. My hair is frizzy and all over the place; the pins that held it in place long gone. Black is smudged all around my eyes from my mascara and eyeliner. I look like a tired ass raccoon on drugs.

I still can't believe what Nolan did, let alone what happened after. Beating up my date then kissing my neck as if we're dating? Holding me tight and calling me his? I just can't be in a relationship again. Broken hearts are not something I'm fond of. My heart has only be broken once.

I stifle a sob as his name comes to my mind. Mason.

I splash cold water on my face as silent sobs rack my body. Salty tears mixing with cold water.

Why did he have to leave? I continue silently sobbing. My heart that I hastily built walls around stinging from pain. No person will ever have my heart again. Not fully anyways.

"Kaelin? Are you okay?" Hannah asks from just outside the door. I hastily wipe my face with the back of my hands. Don't be weak. Don't be weak.

"Y-yeah-" My voice cracks slightly. I hiccup before continuing. "I'm fine Hannah." I find myself lying. I brush my hair out and put it in a loose ponytail. I open the door slowly.

Hannah is asleep on my bed. She is sprawled in the weirdest position. On hand above her head, the other on her stomach and her legs spread out like she's a star fish. I chuckle quietly to myself. I change into my pyjamas and slide into bed.

As I'm scrolling through Instagram, my phone buzzes twice. I open my messages to see a text from an unknown number. Who would text me this late at night? I feel like I know the answer yet I'm curious anyways. I open the first message

You have nice legs. Kitten, next time you're going to change, I want your curtains open. If they aren't, there will be consequences.

Nolan is number fourteen. And what consequences? I'm not going to change with my fucking curtains open! He's such a little pervert! Oh shit. Did Hannah close the curtains when she changed? I look at her peacefully sleeping form. Hannah's a smart girl, she'd know that there are a bunch of peeping toms living right beside me? Right?

If they in any way hurt Hannah or make fun of her, I will murder them. I don't give a flying fuck. I will kill them.

With those happy thoughts running through my head, I open the second message.

After reading it, I gasp and drop my phone. How the fuck did he get my number?


Heyo who do you think sent the message?

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