Twenty - Eight (Nolan)

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Axel has been slowly recovering from his Mason and Dryden's repeated beatings. He had two broken ribs, a dislocated shoulder and a fractured wrist. And that's just the internal damage, on the outside he had more bruises than skin.

And then there is Annika. After several self harm attempts when Mason let her go, the hospital locked her up in the psych ward. Axel flipped, that is, until she tried jumping out of a four story window.

Kaelin... Her name still hurts to think of. Hannah told me everything. I'm so proud that my girl would do something so selfless and courageous, but at the same time I'm furious that she is with that cheating snake. She was fucking pissed at me last time we saw each other though.

"Nolan," Gage says. We're in Kaelin's father's office trying to figure out how to get Kaelin back. "What if we propose a deal to Mason? We still have territory that we can give him in exchange for her."

Mason would never go for that. The only way he would trade Kaelin for anything is if it were a) a million dollars or b) our entire gang. Even then, he would probably take our payment and keep her for himself.

I shake my head. "He would never go for that." I put my elbows on the desk and my head in my hands. There has to be a way to get my kitten home safely.

There has to be.

"Well we need to try something," Gage says before adding in a whisper. "My baby sister needs us."

"What if... What if we give him the gang?" I ask. It's certainly not ideal, but I can't seem to think of anything else to get her back. Mason and Dryden have us completely pinned down, with Axel still injured, our main operating points on constant watch and Kaelin in their custody.

Gage looks at me as if I've grown a second head. "Are you kidding me?" He punches the dry wall. I watch it crack like a spiderweb being woven. Kaelin's dad is going to kill both of us for hurting his precious office wall. "We'll get her back without giving up everything we stand for."

"You care more about this fucking gang than your own sister!" I yell, throwing the chair I've been sitting in behind me. "You make me sick, Gage."

I storm out of the office, slamming the door behind me. That asshole doesn't even care enough about his own flesh and blood to give up a stupid gang. It's not like it's going to tear him to bits like losing his sister will.

Mason would never kill Kaelin, nor would Dryden.

Yet, I know each of them would hurt her if it came down to it.

I have to save her before Gage and Wayne plan their next stupid attack to get the gang back.

"Nolan," speak of the devil and he shall appear.

I turn and look at Kaelin's monster of a father, Wayne Summers. "What do you want?" I say through gritted teeth. I stare at his blue eyes that hold none of the passion that Kaelin's have. I can't believe this son of a bitch would abandon his children and wife, it's absolute insanity.

"Now now," Wayne says with 3 tsk's. "That's no way to treat your boss."

I remain emotionless. I could take him down in seconds.

"Anyways, I need a favor." He says with a steely tone to his voice.

He always needs a favor. The last time he asked someone to do him a favor, the guy ended up dead and his team severely injured. I can only imagine what he wants me to do.

"What is it?"

"I need you to take care of someone for me," He leans against the wall and stares into my eyes. Great, now I have to kill someone. "You know Cole Carter, right?"

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