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Sabrina Carpenter as Alessia White


"Guys look!" Katrina exclaims excitedly. She has her head propped up by her hand while staring out my window. We decided to have a sleepover as team and go to school together tomorrow. We've done it a lot. It's a tradition, Gage, my brother, got me into.

We all rush to the window. I can easily make out the toned abs of the Kings hockey team in Nolan's room. They appear to be lounging around and talking. "Watch this." I whisper. I carefully ease open my window so we can hear their conversation. They all smile at me, while Hannah flicks off the light. All six of us stare at the hot boys across the yard from us.

"...So moody!" Dryden groans. "Honestly I was just hitting it off with them when they took my joke way to fucking seriously."

"If it had been any other girl than Alessia that you insulted, things would have been fine." Ethan says while running a hand through his perfect brown hair. "But you had to insult the youngest girl on their team."

I peak over at Alessia, who is beat red. She's so adorable.

"I wanted to invite them over!" Nolan says angrily. "Yet here we are with no chicks or eye candy."

"Is that really all they think about us?" Hannah whispers to us. I shrug.

"I have an idea." I whisper to them. We leave the window and we change into our pjs. I change into my spandex short shorts and a white tank top. By the looks of it, each of us likes wearing spandex to bed.

I laugh slightly at our similarities.

"Okay, we have to make lots of noise," I grin to my team. "Let's make these boys sorry."

Alessia makes sure the window is wide open and that each of us has a pillow.

"One. Two. Three!" I scream. We all yell and giggle as loud as we can and hit each other with pillows. Literally trying to be those old fashioned girls. I faintly notice the guys conversation gradually stop. I smack Hannah in the face and she falls off my bed laughing her ass off.

Soon, I stand alone in the bed as the champion. I see Ayden stand up out of the corner of my eye, so I immediately chuck my pillow at her face. She falls with a thump. I hear laughter and snap my eyes towards Nolan's window.

A camera flash draws my attention. I flush bright red and stalk over to the curtains before yanking them closed.

"Well that backfired." I mutter. Ayden just laughs and swings an arm across my shoulders.

"I wouldn't mind some hot pictures of our captain going around the school." Ayden laughs. "Maybe you might even get a boyfriend." I sigh and smack the back of her head lightly.

"Who needs boys. Sisters before misters." I say.

"She right girls." Trinity says.

It was a very fun night.


In the morning, the girls decided to head home early to get ready for school. It was fine by me, I needed a shower.

After my wonderful shower, I decide that today my outfit will portray my 'I'm to tired to give a flying fuck' attitude. I put my hair into two Dutch braids that reach my mid back. I do a smokey eye to make my crystal blue eyes look fierce. Adding to my self-proclaimed awesomeness, I wear black ripped skinny jeans and a matte red tank top. And, of course, my leather jacket.

I grab my backpack and an apple on my way out the door. My head still sort of aches from last night. I grab my skateboard from my room and slip on my converse.

I poke my head out the door and make sure that Nolan is not outside before leaving the house. My skateboard rides smoothly along the freshly paved road. My thoughts recklessly bounce throughout my brain.

Who took the picture last night? Why did they insult Alessia? What am I feeling for Nolan? The very thought of him makes my knees feel like jelly. What is he doing to me? Seriously, I'm a strong and independent person who takes shit from no one, so why am I feeling this way?

My school comes into view. What a shit hole. The cracking dark grey paint making the dirty windows look even grungier.

Next year I'm going to a sports academy on my mom's request. I can get a full hockey and/or basketball scholarship. They also said I could play volleyball for them, but I politely declined. Volleyball is just a hobby. Sure, I'll be sad to leave my girls and my hockey team, but my education means a lot to me. The scouts told me I have a shot at playing professional, and that's all I've ever wanted.

My team understands.

I stop right before the school ground and hop off my skateboard. I stomp my foot on the end of it causing it to bounce into my hand. I smile at the trick that took me weeks to learn when I was twelve.

As usual, wolf whistles and pick up lines follow me into the school. You'd think they'd realize that I'm not interested. Another whistle grabs my attention, causing me to snap at the junior who did it.

I grab his shirt collar and throw him up against the lockers. His friends back away, they know not to mess with a pissed off senior. Especially me.

"Fuck off you little-" I begin before a voice sounds from behind me, causing me to drop the junior. He scurried off towards his friends.

"That's probably bad idea if you're planning on not getting suspended." A guy says.

His arm swings across my shoulders. He is the captain of our football team here at York High, Tristan Waters. He's definitely hot. He has brown hair styled into a perfect wave, shiny blue eyes, a defined jawline and, not to mention, amazing abs.

"Hey Kaelin." He smiles with those dazzling white teeth. He is in my year, but he looks like he could be graduating. He wears his sport jacket that all the jocks seem to own. I don't mind, they look good.

"Hey Tristan." I say. I see my friends, or, should I say my hockey team, chatting with the other football boys near my locker. Hannah sees me and her eyes light up. She runs over and nearly tackles me in a hug. Tristan's arm falls to the side, causing him to frown slightly.

"Dude! The team and I have the perfect revenge-" she falls short when she sees Tristan staring at her expectantly. Her cheeks go slightly pink. "I'm j-just gonna g-go now." She jogs back to the group and hides behind Ayden.

"So, what did you want to talk about?" I ask. I have to tilt my head upwards to even get a glimpse of that handsome face.

"I'm having a party tonight, and I was hoping you'd come." He says. He looks slightly nervous. I want to laugh at his nervousness around me.

"I guess I can come," I smile.

"Great!" Relief floods his face, "I'll pick you up at seven."

"I'll see you there Tristan." I smile flirtatiously, before flipping my braid over my shoulder and walking away. I merge into my hockey team's circle.

"Ohhhh, is someone going with Tristan Waters?" Hazel smiles.

"Yes!" I squeal.

"So, who's everyone else going with?" I ask.

"I'm going with Jacob." Hannah sighs. She runs her hand through her beautiful blonde hair, grinning like an idiot. She looks so pretty in this moment, with her dark green eyes and tan skin. Out of all of us, I think she's the most attractive.

"I'm going with-" Ayden stops dead, staring at something just past my shoulder. A heavy arm wraps around my waist. Well then. I'm fucked.

"You will go with me kitten." Nolan whispers in my ear.

"Fuck no." I growl. Before he can reply, I stomp on his foot and strut away from him.

Because he doesn't own me. And he needs to learn that.

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