Twenty - Three

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Captive in my own bedroom by the people I thought I loved. What a fucking shit show.

"Are you proud of yourself?" I say to Nolan. He is leaning against the door with his arms crossed over his muscular chest. A plain white t-shirt and dark jeans adorn his body. He's looking at his phone; completely ignoring me.

"I can't believe I trusted you." I whisper. I don't wait to see his reaction. I walk over to the balcony doors and stare out of them. When did things become so fucking complicated? I remember when my biggest problem was making the playoffs. I remember when my heart hurt because I had to try and choose between Nolan and Mason.

Nolan's hands on my waist bring me out of my thoughts. His hands feel... wrong. These are no longer the hands of someone I trust. They might as well belong to a stranger. I don't want a stranger's hands on me.

"Don't touch me." I whisper. He doesn't respond. He turns me around and presses me against the balcony doors. I slowly take a breath and avoid eye contact with him.

"Kaelin... I've been in this gang since I was old enough to speak the initiation. I don't know anything else." He says. I'm still not looking at him. Nothing he says is going to make this better. "No matter what, you were going to be dragged into this, and this was my way to protect you. I really care for you, kitten, and I won't let anything happen to you."

Tears brim my eyes. I can't stand this.

I haven't forgiven him in the least, but I need someone to comfort me. I wrap my arms around his neck and bury my face in his shoulder. He wraps his arms around my waist and holds me closer to him.

"Nolan... I'm scared." I breathe. He rubs my back and holds me a bit tighter.

"I know, kitten. I know."


I don't remember falling asleep. All I remember was watching movies alone in my room (with the door locked from the outside of course) and then nothing.

I open my eyes slowly and look around my room. The room is still dark. I check the time on my phone 1:38am. Why am I awake so early? I feel a slight breeze that makes me pull my blankets back up to my chin.

Wait. A breeze? I quickly look over to see my balcony door wide open. My breath hitches in my throat. I'm not allowed out on my balcony, Nolan made that very clear, so why is the door open?

I know I shouldn't go investigate, but I just can't help myself. I slowly get up and walk towards the balcony. The wind blows again making me shiver. My tank top and shorts aren't doing much against the cool breeze.

I open up the door further and step outside. All that is out there is the cool night air and the questions swirling in my mind.

"Kaelin what the fuck are you doing?" Ethan says from my room. I whip around and stare at him. "You know you're not supposed to be out there."

I nod sadly and walk back into my room. I shut the door quietly.

Ethan scans the room one more time before leaving and closing the door behind him. I take a breath and turn back to the balcony.

I scream into my hands. Outside is a blood red rose. A perfectly sculpted flower laying on the floor of the balcony.

I go to lock the doors, only to find that the lock is broken. Someone was here. Inside my room. Watching me.

I back away from the door slowly.

A hand covers my mouth and an arm wraps around my waist. I start screaming but it is muffled and quiet. I kick around and try to call for help.

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