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Kaia Gerber as Ayden Grace


Our first game of the playoffs had finally arrived. With it came my usual nerves sickness. So here I am, in the dressing room bathroom, puking my guts out. Ayden holds my hair back.

"Does this seriously have to happen every time?" Trinity groans while fixing her blonde hair into a low ponytail.

"Nerves." I manage to get out before vomiting again. Knowing it's over, I sigh and accept the towel handed to me by Hannah and wipe my face.

"Great, now that that's over with, we have another problem." Katrina says while fixing her hair behind a red bandana.

"What now?" I say while pulling my jersey over my head.

"Uh..." Katrina says, looking to her twin, Trinity, for help. "There's really no easy way to put this..."

"The entire Kings hockey team..." Trinity says.

"Is in the bleachers." Katrina finishes. I groan.

"Are you fucking kidding me!?" I scream. I slap a hand over my mouth as I hurry back to the toilet. I hurt my guts up again. "Now I'm even more nauseous."

"Why?" Hannah asks. "It's not like they mean anything to us."

"Yeah you're right." I smile, feeling a lot better. Hannah returns my smile, and shrugs the purple, black and silver jersey on. We were never quite sure why our jerseys are purple not green. Aren't vipers green?

I walk into the dressing room. All five pairs of eyes on my team follow me.

"Listen up girls." I say, although they are already silent. "I know you are all nervous, and, I am too. But I know, that within each and everyone of you is a ferocious viper that will destroy everything in her path. These fucking bastards don't know who the fuck they're messing with. Let's go out there, give it our all, and show the bastards how it's done." Our hands meet in the centre of a circle we form.

"Vipers! Vipers! Vipers!" We continually chant with our arms wrapped around each other's shoulders.

"Vipers on two!" I yell over them. "One! Two!"

We all chant vipers. I grab my hockey stick and helmet and wait to go on the ice. Since we're technically the home team, my two assistants, Hannah and Ayden will be announced and so will I. I nervously hit my left skate with my right, then vice versa.

"Now, for let's hear some noise for your home team. The Vipers!" A deep voice announces. I lead my team onto the ice. I skate a few laps around our side of the ice before we begin our warm up.

"And, the opposing team, the Cougars!" The announcer yells with equal enthusiasm. "The Vipers are lead by number seventeen, Kaelin Summers!" Out of the corner of my eye, I can see Nolan smugly whispering in Axel and Ethan's ears. "And, assisting her is number seventy-four, Ayden Grace! Also assisting is number five, Hannah Blake!"

When I skate over to the bench for a final drink before the game starts, I get s good look at the Kings. Wearing those fancy jock jackets with a sewed letter 'K' on the front. Their colours are gold, black and red. So hot.


Focus Kaelin.

After our coach's pep talk about kicking ass, we skate onto the ice. Hannah as our centre, Alessia and Trinity on the wings, Katrina in goal, and Ayden and I as defence. These boys had no idea what they were in for.

I can see them, the Warriors, joking around about us being girls. They casually glide into their positions for the face off. Smirking wickedly to each other.

The ref drops the puck and it comes sliding onto my stick. I don't wait for an invitation. I pass the puck up to Alessia on the right wing, who carries it across the blue line and deep into the Warriors's zone. I skate to the blue line slam my stick on the ice twice.

"Trinity!" I yell as she picks the puck up on the opposite side of the ice. She passes it to Ayden, who slides it over to me. I pull my stick back and wait for the perfect moment when the puck will be drift into the right spot. Without looking, I know that Hannah will be screening the goalie, and Trinity will eagerly be waiting for a rebound.

I shoot the puck with my stick. It goes past all the players and right under the goalies blocker, but above the pads. It hits the netting. A perfect shot. Before I know it, my girls have me in a crushing hug against the boards.

1-0, for us.

We quickly skate to the bench for a quick drink, then retake our places on the ice for the face off. The boys aren't smirking now, we just scored in the first minute of the game.


At the half way point of the second period, the score is still 1-0 for us.

In our own zone, in a bit of a pickle. Trinity sits in the penalty box, looking pissed as fuck for about her two minute high sticking penalty. A boy may have pushed me a little roughly into the boards and she went to town on him.

Alessia dives to block a shot. It hits her shoulder, which has a lot of padding. I skate over to her and cradle the puck with my stick. I skate as fast as I can past the two defenders on the blue line. They are at least a meter or so behind me. I force myself to skate faster.

The goalie stares at me. I fake once to the left and continue to stick handle the puck. The goalie jerks side to side with the blurry form of the puck. I do what I did when I was with Nolan.

I take a deep breath. Then, I slap shot the puck I into the top right corner. The goalie slides to the left, thinking my shot was headed to the left. I smirk triumphantly and skate back towards my team.

"You little bitch!" One of Warriors yells at me. He shoves shoves me into the boards and I bang my head roughly against the boards before falling to the ice. My head pounds painfully in my skull. I can hear muffled voices and cries.

I'm not weak.

I'm not weak.

I slowly and painfully push myself up. My vision is doubled and erratic heart beat makes my head feel likes it cracking into tiny pieces.

Hannah rushes forwards and tried to help me. I shake her off and skate to the bench. My coach hands me water, which brings down my headache.

"That little bastard!" Hannah yells. I turn towards the ice. Ayden is having a very heated discussion with the referee, and the guy that hit me is standing near the bench, awaiting his punishment. I gulp down more water.

Then I see him. Nolan. Looking concerned with a furrowed brow and a slight frown. Axel and Ethan look the same.

"Looks like someone was a little worried."Alessia smiles.

"I guess so."


I went on to score one more goal. We won 3-0.

My team skates towards the bench where the dressing room hallway is. For once, no guy decided to threaten me for winning. I'm thankful.

I can't deal with that shit right now.



-Court <3

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