Twenty - One

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"No!" I scream. I attempt to rip my jaw out of his hand but his grip is like an iron vice. "Let me go!"

Dryden struggles to hold me which further increases the fire in my chest. I stomp on his foot and push my palms against his chest. He finally has to stagger back from me.

"Stay the fuck away from me." I whisper. He takes a step towards me so I immediately take one back.

My mind is drained. I'm mentally and physically exhausted. I feel like I can't even move anymore.

The door opens and I turn my head to see who it is. Dryden takes advantage of my distraction by grabbing my wrist and dragging me over to him. I whimper because of his tight grip.

"Hold still." Dryden growls. At this point, I'm tired of fighting.

Mason walks through the door with an annoyed expression. "Dryden leave her here, I need to talk to you. Alone."

"Okay." Dryden replies before pushing me further into the room and walking out of it with Mason. The walls are thin, and I can hear everything they say.

As they begin talking, I notice an apple sitting on the bedside table. My stomach rumbles in hunger. I quickly grab it and take a bite. It tastes delicious. I continue eating it while eavesdropping.

"How the Hell does it take an hour to find a teenage girl in a locked down mansion?" Mason angrily asks Dryden.

"I don't see why that fucking matters, I found her didn't I? You're the one who lost her in the first place!" Dryden says.

Mason sighs. "She is our only chance against them. Had she escaped, I would have had to kill her entire family and Nolan's. Even though Nolan and I hate each other, I'm not that cruel... Plus I don't even want to know what that would do to Kaelin."

Why does he care? He's just a fucking backstabber who only cares about himself. I am going to escape and I will protect my family.

"I'll do what I have to do to keep this gang," Dryden says. "You better be able to do the same. Don't let your feelings for her get in the way Mason."

Feelings? What possible feelings could Mason have for me anymore? I swear he flushed them all down the drain when he decided to use me as leverage for his stupid games.

However, I'm not naive enough to not know that Mason does have some sort of delusional feelings for me. I just don't understand why he decided to destroy our strong friendship for control over a fucking gang. Like who the fuck even wants to be in a gang?

"Don't tell me what to do Dryden," Mason replies. "You get to have your girl, and I get to have mine. No matter what happens, nothing will happen to Kaelin. Sure, we can act like we want to hurt her, but I don't want anything to happen her."

"Dude, my girl isn't the center of our plans!" Dryden says.

"She is Axel Andrews's fucking sister! You do realize that Axel is Nolan's fucking right hand man?!" Mason whispers furiously.

Axel's sister? Annika Andrews is one year younger than me, which would make her Dryden's age. I had no idea that Dryden could ever feel compassion for anyone... I have to warn her when I escape as well. I'm sure when things get bad, Annika will turn into leverage as well.

Annika is small and skinny girl. I don't know her that well, but I know that it would t take much to overpower her.

"She won't get a chance to be on Axel's side. I'm going to get her today." Dryden says.

I tune out whatever Axel's answer is. I need to get out of here. Now. Fuck it.

I walk over to the window with newfound confidence. I slide it open as quietly possible. Down below is some vibrant green grass that, though beautiful, won't do anything to cushion my fall.

I could be facing the end of my athletic career, but this is bigger than that. This is literally life and death.

I carefully slide one of my legs out of the window. I take a deep breath before I move my other leg out. I lower myself so I'm hanging by my fingertips.

Then I release. I do my best to remain calm while my body falls. When my feet hit the ground I immediately roll to try and lessen the impact.

It still hurts like a fucking bitch.

I moan as my ankles sting from impact. I lay on the ground for a second and assess the damage. My body is aching, especially my bad knee, but I don't detect any serious injuries; I got lucky.

I get to my feet and start jogging. My knee is barely holding my weight which is slowing me down. I take a deep breath and force my weight on my knee.

"Kaelin fucking Summers!" I hear Mason yell. I can tell from the tone of his voice that he is furious. I make it to the end of the street, but I have no idea where I'm going. I decide to go straight and pray.

I hear car doors closing behind me which must mean they're coming. Tears begin to flow down my cheeks. I'm so close and I don't think I'm going to make it.

I quickly turn right at the next four way and hide behind a large bush. My heart continues to beat like a blinking light.

I hear cars stopping at the four way that's about twenty feet away from me. This causes my fingers to start tingling and sweat to produce on my neck.

"If you find her, you bring her straight to me! Got it?" Mason yells. I hear a chorus of men saying 'yes'.

"What does she look like again?" A husky voice asks.

"She has blonde hair, she's about 5"7. To be honest there is only going to be one, frantic, teenage girl around here; it shouldn't take that long to find her." Dryden answers.

The ground begins to sway under my feet. I shake my head to try and clear it but that only makes it worse. Spots begin to appear in my vision.

"Also," I hear Mason say. "She will probably be highly incapacitated or unconscious because she ate a drugged apple."

I hear what he is saying, but I can't make sense of it.

My head becomes even lighter. I lay down and try breathing deeply but it doesn't seem to help.

I cry out when loud bangs fill the air. I curl up into a ball and hide my head. Not that my head is being very helpful.

The gunshots continue, but my body can't fight the drugs anymore. I swear I see Nolan as the world falls away in broken pieces.



Another chapter? Who is this and what have you done with the real Courtney? Lol just kidding guys, thanks for reading and please tell me what you think!!

-Court <3

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