I swear! It's like this conversation was written at 1:00 A.M.!

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(Thyme skip because I wanna mix my new Cross x reader story!)

Nightmare POV: I can sense more negativity.



"I gave you a new access route. Go collect the survivor"

"... Yes Nightmare" He leaves. Why did he hesitate? Oh well. I go check on Y/n. She's decorating her new room! OMG TOO CUTE! I start to blush, and go to close the door, but she notices me...

"Nightmare! Come in I want to show you something!" I go in and there are A LOT of glow-in-the-dark stars.

"Here sit down!" She indicates the bed. What are you up to?


"Here!" She hands me a sketchbook...

"Go on! Open it!" I open it and the first picture is of... me?

"Y/n what?"

"The first time I met you it felt like we had met before, so after unpacking I found this! I would draw a picture from my favorite part of each time I had a dream so I wouldn't forget them! Look through the book!" I flip through the pages. Each picture seems more and more realistic, and most of them have me or Cross in them. I look at the date on one of them... three years ago?! She's been dreaming about me years before she knows me?!?!

"..." I can tell I'm blushing intensely.

"Nightmare? Is something wrong?" she's so sweet. I-I can't tell her. Not now!

"No... umm... n-nothing!"

"I don't believe you" ?! Y/n stop it!

"Don't worry I'm fine!"

"Well in that case... can I get something of my chest?"

"Of course!"

Y/n POV: This is it! It's now or never!

"W-well I know we haven't known each other very long... but... I" NO! DON'T BACK OUT NOW!!!

"I-I feel like I've known you all my life... I feel... safe around you! Safer then I've ever felt with anyone else..." before I can finish he... KISSES ME?!?!?!


I don't know what surprised me more! That Nightmare kissed me, or that I kissed back! OMG BEST DAY! Then he ends it.

"Well... I need to... umm..."

"This whole conversation seems like it was written at 1:00 A.M."(... HOW DID YOU KNOW?!)

"Y-yeah... ... ... So... that was..."


"I was going to say spontaneous but that works too"

(... CUUUUUUUTE!!!!!)

Hoping for a NIghtmare: Nightmare!Sans X ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now