Chapter 3

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Sitting right in front of him was not at all easy for her. His masculine arrogant aura was totally controling her entire being.

'Am still very confuse, why did you offer me the job? You didn't even go through my papers properly.' She said with a very dry throat. What was wrong with her?? She was not some ordinary girl who would melt down in a blink of a lash. She was an extremely composed and poised woman. Highly compatible, charming, and educated. But today she was not in her true self. She was sitting in front of him like a child , who waits for an elder to guide and instruct him.

'Let's first make few things clear, I don't take decisions randomly, I think and then proceed unlike some who would not only use their mouths but their hands as well without worrying about the consequences.' James gave her a deathly glare. Lilly felt she would faint but suddenly  she collected herself. " How dare you, are you threatening me, because if you are then let me tell you I decline this opportunity that you have given me, I will not be your.. yours.. I mean your secretary." Lily gasped for air after what she thought was the speech of the year. This will serve him best.. " Oh but my dear Ms. Lilly you will be MINE in this office, and yes you will accept this offer, you will work for me as My secretary and you will fulfill all my demands." James spoke with such power it seemed every word was crushed and chewed in his mouth. Lilly, who just had given herself the trophy for the best speech of the year, felt her heart literally breaking out of her ribs. "Bad timings, that's not a place to faint and become the drama queen. Control your artistic skills Lilly or this man will chew you alive and will make you.." Before Lilly could congratulate herself any further on her wise and noble efforts to dominate James Barndstone, she saw him leaving his place and dangerously pacing towards herself.

"Now we don't want a pretty lady like you to go in the streets and beg for good references. After all we know without a good reference you will never be able to earn a good job. Surely you don't want to work as a clerk or a cashier somewhere." Saying this James drew near her. Lilly who was too much absorbed in the words and almost threats given by James suddenly felt a strange warmth near her neck. With a jolt she raised het head only to find James just an inch away. His soft full lips were projecting a slight smirk. She swallowed hard using all her energy to refrain herself from kissing him. Her thick lashes waved while she openly observed the extremely handsome features of his face. His broad shoulders were hovering above her. She was drowning into the deep blue eyes of that incredibly good looking man when she felt a fingers gently touching her cheeks. "I don't object and the pleasure will be all mine. " It seemed he was speaking from another world for Lilly had no idea where she was anymore. "What.. wha...", before she could have used her mind to speak at least one word with some sense, his mouth was locked on hers sucking the soul out of her body.

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