Deal with the devil

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(The song may be a bit graphic but I like it and it reminds of what Lucy is going through! Yes I may be a bit sadistic because I like this song But hey! Its pretty good. And this is what lucy is wearing.

(Bai)Lucy's perspective

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Lucy's perspective

Cold blood was seeping through the fresh wound I made with my nails.Why! Why am I dong this to myself! No lucy you don't love him he's with Lissanna! Lis deserves him! Not you...Your to weak... drops of blood were going all over the bed and the snow was coming through the window.

"Burrrrrr!~ Ugh! better close that..."

I should better patch this up the blood is getting all over the bed and carpet.I walked over to the shelf and pulled out a Aid kit.A got for the bandage box and was walking back to the bed until...

I dropped the box Immediately and suddenly fell to my knees I was kneeling down shocked at what just happened.I tried getting up bet my body wouldn't move it felt like I was paralyzed.I started hitting my legs.

"Move! Come on move! Move! Move! Move""

Wet tears started coming down my face I felt so helpless so weak! I started crying harder and harder.Until blue flames started appearing on my bed table chairs carpet but most Importantly my letters to my mom.

"No! My letters!"

I started shedding more tears by the second.

"Come on legs move!"

"Don't worry princess these flames don't actually burn anything!"

I heard a voice taunt in the room but no one was there.I'm starting to think I'm insane! Right I' am!

"Listen carefully Demonica!"

'Demonica what! Who's here why are you burning my apartment!"

"Calm down...I m not here to hurt you I m Satan I m just here to do a friend a favor!"

"A friend? Satan! The demon king?!?"

"Yes The ruler Of Gehenna the mighty satan! Now less blabbering more listening!"

A blue flame in a shape of a man appeared out of thin air!

"I want to make a deal with you Lucy Demonica"

"A deal like what? And stop with the demonica thing!"

"Hmph fine! I want to grant you power but for a cost!"

Power really?! The Demon king himself is here just to grant me power! Why me is it because he pities me so much! But still How could I say no...

"Fine what you want!"

"I want something Important in your life!"

"So something Important?"

"Like a lover a child or parents anything that matters!"

"Okay I'll give you something just let me think but wait Why are you doing this?"

"Like I said for a friend that I owe! Now will you accept I get the offer?"

He offered him fiery hand to shake

"Alright but we'll make it later I just wanna do something first!"

He lowered his hand

"Alright I ll be with you though!"

He disappeared and took the fire with him but doing that he left clothes on my bed that weirdo!

"What the heck!"

Hey its gonna be cold outside!

"What the!"

I said i'de be with you!

"Hahah yeah thanks."

No problem!

I grabbed my clothes and started changing my clothes (the pic on top) its kinda weird I kinda like it it's pretty cute.

Like my skills!

"Oh shut it!"

It was actually pretty comfortable I bury my face in the neck collar or my shirt it was still pretty cold though the cold air grabbing my skin making it impossible to stay warm.

Hey you have a scarf or anything to over up you neck and face?

I was kinda shock to know The king of Gehenna cares for a low life like me.Now I was looking around my apartment for a scarf looking around the shelf under the bed,closet.

Did you find something?

"Yeah I did!"

Like what?

"A scarf my Dad left me That I found behind the bed..."

Alright then lets head out!

I never knew Satan could be this childish! I went outside It was night the cold night sky as the cold breeze hit me in the face.And the sound of snow being crushed beneath my feet as I walked past the boatmen.

"Good to know your better Miss Lucy!"

"Thanks have a good day!"

Atleast they care for you...


As I said that as I arrived at the guild doors

•The Flame that ignites her Icy heart• Rinlu• under editing•Where stories live. Discover now