Even the emotionless can have fun! (Side chapter of maybe....)

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(play the song later)

Lucy .Perspective

We were all on the train on Magnolia.I was sitting with shiemi.She was sleeping sleeping by the window.And me I was thinking of the guild.What if they see me? Would they hate me even more? I didn't tell anyone except the exorcist teachers like Mephisto but not Yukio.I looked at the sleeping Shiemi ever since I got here every one was so nice and welcoming.What if they knew what happened would they hate me? Would I lose more friends? I looked out the window at the snow with winter forested trees.I tugged the strings of my scarf in boredom.This happened so sudden.
Danm you Mephisto!

I should just give it up and forget about friends and family.I crossed my arms to make tension between my bare hands and my Jacket.(the pic on top but with her fathers scarf) There is no such things as happiness in this world...my chain of thought was cut off by Yukio shouting waking everyone up from the sleep they had.

"Everyone We'll be arriving at Magnolia Shortly approximately 20 minutes!"

Sheimi woke up from that blabber mouths speech.She groggily rubbed my eyes she yawned and stretched her arms out to give her bones some movement.She looked at me with her green innocent eyes she was staring straight
into my dead emotionless eyes.She gave me a warm passionate smile.And I smiled back of course but you know.

"Morning Lucy-Chan!"

"Uhhh...Shiemi it's 12:48 in the Afternoon"


I smiled(fake) at her reaction she giggled at her self her hair was all messy from the bumps of the ride.And there were little bags under eyes.she smiled back at me.

"So Lucy~Chan What's your reason in the Academy?"

Actually I really don't know I just ended up here somehow.Out of my own will Mephisto said for reasons but I feel like it's more than that.Every time I bring up the subject he'd avoid it with a joke.So I never really care much about it.

"Uh well. Because it was my parents wish!"

"Oh really? Then I hope you fulfill it!"

Nic job lying again!

Thanks it's my specialty.Really I had nobody's wish to fulfill since I don't really have parents.And if I did they probably didn't be proud of me.It's sad how I can't feel happiness the warmth of a hug and smile.The loving family I will never have.

"Hey guys! wanna go shopping when we get to Magnolia I heard they have good Sales today!"

Kamiki said about a seat beside us.She dosent know shopping in Magnolia Is an addiction.You'll never come back alive! And worse on sales day! It'll kill you before you get those designers boots!

"Sure! Kamaki-San! I'll be fun! What do you think Lucy?"

I looked at her with a grin (fake) and patted her head.And laughed.

"Sure I'll be fun!"

But really how can experience fun? Ir I can't express it? Well doing the impossible is always possible I guess.Thats what Erza always said!

"Hey kids bring me with you! It's gonna be boring with Mister boring over there!"

Shura pointed at Yukio as she entered the conversation.half drunk.Shiemi laughed at her comment.Maybe I should stop being so gloomy and enjoy the moment before me.But I have to be honest.It's sad to know that you made a good memory and you'll never know it'l happen again.

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