Chapter 15

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Peri's Pov

It was peaceful, sleeping.

It's as if nothing bad would ever happen to you as you watch your dreams flow into an endless void of darkness. But it is also when you are in your most vulnerable state.

I was still in wolf form, my body hurts so much. Even though my eyes are closed, I know almost everything going around me because of my hearing. I feel bad for fighting my own warrior, but he shouldn't have said anything bad about Lapis, vampire or not. If he got a different species as a mate and someone said something bad about her, wouldn't he do the same?

We were carried towards the hospital, carefully laid down a clean mat down the floor, we were too big for normal hospital beds. Lapis and I were placed in the same room yet on different sides. I could smell her scent mixed with blood and sweat. It made me cringe.

A soft whine came from my side, fur touching mine. I opened my eyes slowly, the light blinding my eyes for a moment before it adjusted.

I was unable to move my lower body for the time being, seeing as my hind legs got crushed by another wolf's jaw. I whimpered, remembering the pain that occured. The door opened, but my attention was only to the being beside me.

I could feel someone squat infront of me, "Hey, how'd you feel? Do you feel better?" Hands rubbing the fur on my back and shoulders. We were washed carefully by the nurses and dried with a clean cloth before we were able to accept visitors. Both Lapis and I were hooked into IV's and have blood being pumped inside us. I kinda lost a lot of blood.

They patted my shoulder and went towards the couch to hang. I guess it was Steven and the others since they were the only people we associated ourselves with.

I gave a wolfy sigh, turning over to glance at Lapis' black wolf. I was shocked to say the least. I didn't think it was possible for vampires to turn into wolves, well that was just what I thought.

"Hey Peri... I hope you wouldn't mind if we just hang in here for a bit. Just though you guys might need company." Jasper says, as she picked Steven up and placed him on her shoulders. I just replied with a grunt.

I tried moving my upper body and moved it towards Lapis' direction and laid my head on her back. I winced in pain from the loss of my legs. It would take almost a year to heal a shattered bone.

A soft knock echoed through the hospital walls. Garnet walked over the door and opened it, letting the Doctor in.

The Doctor tapped his pen on his little board and flipped the papers. He adjusted the stethoscope around his neck and gave a sad sigh.

"Ms. Greene, I'm very sorry to say this but, I don't think that we're going to restore your legs any sooner. It would take long. And I mean very long." A whimper escaped my lips and I feel Lapis rumble beneath me.

The doctor sighed, "Well.. It could be fixed but, it would take a lot of time and rest. Would you be able to do that Ms. Greene? Your leg would have to be cut off and replaced but the wound will heal." I snorted and closed my eyes. Lapis whined beneath me. The doctor nodded and sighed with sympathy and left the room. Sadness was in the air and I couldn't helo but feel so... Down.

I closed my eyes again to think, my mind wandering. Then something clicked. As if a lightbulb just went on too of my head and shined. My eyes opened wildly and I mind-linked Jasper.

'Jasper, I have an Idea. Tell the doctor to meet us here later and could you get my things at home? You know what I'm talking about right?' I said in the mind-link.

Jasper's eyes fogged over and I knew she got the message. She stood up and placed Steven down on the couch and went out the door without another word.

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