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Chapter songs: Six Feet Under by Billie Eilish.

Bellyache by Billie Eilish.


The witch and her minions smile evilly at me. I gulp and cross my arms over my chest.

"What the hell do you want?" I say through clenched teeth. Jess and her bitches snicker and she steps forward, whipping her hair off of her shoulder.

She places a claw on my shoulder and pushes me, but me being stubborn decide not to move, making her nail slightly dig into my shoulder.

"Keep your disgusting-"

"Can it. All I want to know is who this handsome devil is behind you." She says and motions to Jacob. I slightly cringe and glance behind me at Emma, who's face is as red as a tomato. She pushes past me and walks up to Jake.

"I- uh.." he says and looks frantically at me.

I clench my jaw tightly and ball my fist. "Hey Jess." Say and grab her shoulder, forcing her to turn around.

I swing.

My fist connects with her jaw and she collapses to the ground. I smirk and she glares up at me. Emma stares her mouth hanging open. Jess pulls my ankle sending me to the ground with a small yelp. I huff as she gets on top of me. She punches my mouth and a iron taste fills my mouth. I grab a fist full of her hair and pull her off of me. I sit on her waist and punch at her face a few more times. Once satisfied I get up and brush a strand of hair from my eyes. I look at her friends and arch an eyebrow. They pull Jess up and run off.

I wipe my lip and look at the blood on the back of my hand. I turn back around to Jake and Emma and smile slightly.

"Well, we should hurry." I say and start walking in the direction of the orphanage.

I swing open the door and see the TV on, and Ms. Poirier passed out on the couch. A little drool on her chin. I cringe and walk to 'my' room, Jake and Emma trailing behind me.

I grab a suitcase and throw all of my clothes into it. I notice Jake looking at the pictures on me wall. I smile slightly and zip the suitcase. I grab a backpack and head to the bathroom. I put all of my stuff into it and zip it too. I swing it onto my shoulders. I walk out and see Jake with my suitcase. I smile slightly and head to my wall. I take the pictures down and look at one with Stephanie in it, when we were 6.

"Hey, weirdo!" Jess yells and snickers to her friends. I ignore her and continue writing in my journal.

"I am talking to you!" She says louder and throws a piece of paper at me. I wince slightly and look up.

"Wh-what do you want?" I stutter out.

"She talks!" She snickers. They continue whispering and looking at me, laughing every once in a while.

"What're you writing?" Gabriele says and snatches my journal.

"H-hey! Give it back!" I yell and stand up. I reach for it but one of her other friends pushes me back.

"It's a poem! Let's see... help, I lost myself again but I remember you, don't come back, it won't end well, but I'd wish you'd tell me to..that's some creepy stuff, weirdo." She says and laughs.

"Hey, dumbass! I don't think that's yours!" A girl with wild blonde hair says and stomps up to her.

"What're you gonna do about it?" Gabriele asks.

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