Where to Sit

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Five years. It had been five whole years. Five years of Hogwarts and I had only one friend. But of course my one friend, Katy Longbottom, was already at Hogwarts with her father, making me have to find some place to sit on my own.

I climb aboard the Hogwarts Express and walk up and down the compartments of students. I finally decide on one where only a blond hair boy sits.

"I'm sorry. Could I sit here? Everywhere else is full."

"Sure. It's just me for now. My friend should be coming soon," he replied kindly.

"Thank you. I'm Y/N. What's your name?"

"I'm Scorpius Malfoy."

"Wow. The Malfoy."

"I don't know why your so shocked. Anyway, what house are you in?"

"I'm in Slytherin. Who's your friend that should be coming?"

As if on cue the compartment door slides open. There is a boy about the same age as me with messy black hair.

"Hey Scorp! Who's that?" the new boy says as he sits down.

"That's Y/N. She's in the same house as us."

"Who are you? You look familiar, I ask.

"I'm Albus Potter."

"Well we are all in Slytherin. What year are you guys?"

"We are both in fifth year." Scorpius chimes in.

"Really? I am too! I'm surprised we haven't seen each other in classes. Well I've seen Scorpius. It's hard to miss his blond hair."

"Hey! I like my hair!"

After that we sit and talk the rest of they way there. It was really fun. Plus Scorpius brought tons of candy. I can't wait to tell Katy who I made friends with.
Hey people. Sorry that was so short and awful. I promise the next chapter will be better. I hope you guys like it so far. Please comment any suggestions!

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