The Second Picnic

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Albus's POV

Y/n is back from the hospital wing but I still feel bad. I know it isn't really my fault that she fell in the lake but I still feel like I had something to do with it. At least everything seems back to normal so far. Plus I was thinking and I'm going to set up a "do over" picnic. This time in the astronomy tower. That way there is no water to fall into.

I start planning what I need to borrow from the kitchen and how I'm going to set it up. I feel bad that Y/n's picnic got ruined so this one needs to be perfect. I write out the details on a piece of parchment and then make another one. I put a spell on the papers so only Y/n and Scorpius can see the writing and I place one on Scorpius's bed and have one of the girls in the common room put the other one on Y/n's bed. Then I run of to my dorm to get everything I need.

Y/n's POV

I walk back from the Quidditch pitch carrying my broom. I'm not on the Slytherin quidditch team but I love flying. I've kind of wanted to be a seeker but I want to practice and make sure I'm the best seeker before I tryout for the team. I'm holding the golden snitch from my set I got for Christmas.

Once in a while I will take the snitch and my broom and fly around practicing catching the snitch when I get bored or stressed. Other times I come out here I just fly around until I get tired or cold. I get to the school and run to my dorm to put my stuff away.

As I turn to leave I see a little piece of parchment on my bed. I pick it up and wonder why it's blank. Then I turn it over and see sloppy handwritten scribbled all over.

It reads "Meet me in the astronomy tower for a picnic at 8:00. Don't be late. -Albus.

I check the clock and see it reads 6:00. That gives me two hours. I don't know what to wear so I try to where something nice but not fancy. I finally decide on a pair of black skinny jeans, a navy tee shirt, and my black converse. I put all this on and then use magic to straighten my hair. I skip the makeup and check the time. I still have half an hour so I grab my book and go to the common room to read.

After what feels like only five minutes I hear someone enter the common room. Scorpius is walking out of his dorm and comes over and sits by me. I look at his watch he's wearing and panic when I see it's only three minutes until eight.

"I'm sorry to leave so fast but I got to go to the astronomy tower. Bye!" I say, standing up.

"Wait for me. I'm going there too!" I here him yell.

"Your going to the picnic too?"

"Yup! Let's go before we are late."

We walk to the astronomy tower talking the whole time. We finally get to the stairs to the tower and we see lights lining the staircase. As we get to the top we stare in amazement.

There are lights hanging around the walls and a big silver blanket in the middle of the room with lots of good looking food piled on it. There are green flowers on the black tables by the door. After looking around I see Albus standing by the blanket.

I run over and hug him saying thank you over and over into his ear. He laughs and hugs me back. After a second I let go and sit at the blanket and start eating. I didn't realize how hungry I was.

"Wow Y/n! Leave some food for us!" Scorpius says laughing.

"Yeah. We're hungry too!" Albus chimes in.

"I'm sorry! I skipped lunch."

We eat until it gets dark and then look at the stars. After a few hours we sneak back into the Slytherin common room. I fall asleep as soon as my head hits the pillow.

I wake up and roll off the bed, landing on the floor. The sunlight is shining through the curtains. It can't be too late? I check the clock and it reads 11:30. Great, I missed breakfast. At least it's Sunday. I get dressed and fix my hair then go downstairs and look for the boys.

I find them and run to them quietly. Once I get close enough I wrap my arms around Scorpius and hug him. Then I run over to Albus and do the same thing. Both of them hug back but they have a bit of pink on their cheeks.

"Good morning!" I say giving them both a kiss on the cheek. Their faces get even redder and I laugh really hard.

"Why are you so happy?" Albus asks. Scorpius still looks a bit shocked so I lay my arm on his shoulder and lean against him.

"Because I get to hang out with you guys." Albus looked a bit mad about something but I shrug it off.

"Let's go sit down. I'm still tired," I say pulling them to the couch by the fire place. Albus and Scorpius sit down so I sit by Scorpius and lean against him almost falling asleep. He says something so I sit up but I couldn't hear him.

"What did you say?" I ask. Instead of answering he stands up and pulls me away from the couch, looking at Albus when he starts to get up. Albus sits back down and Scorpius then turns to me.

"Um. Well, uh, Y/n." He says awkwardly.


"Well. IwantedtotellyouthatIlikeyou," he mumbled.

"What was that?"

"I, um... I-i kinda like y-you. A lot." He likes me? Well, I guess he is cute. I mean really cute. I guess I could try it out. I mean he's adorable.


Ye-yeah. Would you like to go to The Three Broomsticks with me sometime. Well. I mean. You don't have to. I just was wondering. It's ok if you don't-" I cut him off by kissing his cheek cause his face to go red.

"I would love to." We went back over to the couch and continued talking to Albus. Scorpius couldn't stop smiling.
Wow! I know. It's still an Albus x reader. I wanted a bit of drama. I going to try to update at least every week. If I miss a week I'll try to do two the next week. Love ya guys.

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