The Best Feast Ever

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As soon as I got off of the train I ran to find Katy. I ended up finding her in the greenhouse like always.

"Guess what!" I yelled as I ran up behind her.

"Let me guess. You couldn't find a seat on the train so you got scared and killed everyone on it."

"Woah. That was harsh. But no. I met two awesome people in my house that are my age."

"Finally. Now you have a friend outside of my house."

"Hey! I'm sorry I like the people in Ravenclaw."

"I guess. Now let's go eat I'm starving!"

"Wanna make a bet?"

"I bet you can't beat me to the school!"

"You're on!"

We raced back to the school. I ended up winning by a long shot. Once we got into the great hall I decided to find Albus and Scorpius.

Albus's POV

I was talking to Scorpius when I saw Y/n running towards us. I stood up got her attention.

"Hey, L/N. Over here!" I yelled.

I watched her face turn red as almost everyone in the hall looked at us.

"Wow. Thanks guys. That's exactly what I was wanting you to do," she said as she sat next to Scorpius and across from me.

"Hey it was all him," Scorpius defended.

After some arguing we were silenced as the sorting ceremony began. Of course being silenced didn't stop us from whispering.

"I heard that old Slughorne is retiring," Scorpius whispered.

"I hope they get someone actually good at potions," I said a little louder than Scorpius. As we were talking I realize Y/N hasn't said anything in almost twenty minutes.

"Hey, L/N. What're you thinking about?"

"What? Oh, nothing," she says distracted.

"What's wrong?"

"See that kid at the Gryffindor table? Who is he? He kinda looks like you, Potter."

"Ugh. That's my brother James. He's an idiot." She stays quiet for a while. Suddenly I hear Scorpius gasp.

"Oh my gosh! Y/N likes your brother, Albus!"

"I mean he's pretty cute." As soon as she says that I feel a pang of jealousy. Why would I? It's not like I like her. Do I? I can't. I just met her.

"But he's not the kinda guy I'd have a crush on. He seems too self-centered," she finished.

"So, Albus, who do you fancy?" Scorpius asks, pulling me out of my thoughts.

"W-what. I d-don't fancy a-anyone!" Why did I stutter?

"Why'd you stutter, Potter? Oh. I get it. She's in Slytherin!" Y/N pipes up.

"Wh-what? No. I don't fancy anyone!" I said finally getting my stuttering under control.

"Sure. Ok," she says unconvinced. We go back to eating and the sorting is finally over. We finish the feast and go back to the common room.

"I think the food gets better every year!"

"Of course you do Scorpius," I say sarcastically. We sit down on the soft black couches and I start talking to Scorpius about random school stuff.

"What time is it?" I ask.

"Crap! It's already midnight. Let's go to bed," Scorpius says jumping up.

"I think Y/N already has," I say as I look over and see Y/N's sleeping form in one of the chairs. I grab a blanket and drape it over her.

"Awe!" Scorpius yells.


"You have a crush on Y/N!"

"No. I told you. I don't fancy anyone."

"Yeah and I don't fancy Rose!"

"Whatever. Let's get to bed."
What is up people. I'm sorry again that this is so bad but oh well. I need help. I completely forgot how much younger Lily is compared to Albus. If you know please comment. Thanks for reading.

Diamond Trio (Albus Potter x reader)Where stories live. Discover now