My family is a circus, wild all day.
Sometimes we have fun and some days are just
Our off days. It really doesn't matter because
We are all still one big happy family.
My father is the big top. He does all
The hard work, has the most important
Job, and holds us together.
My mother is a lion who growls at us
When we do not do what she says. She is also
The ringleader, she takes charge and controls
The clown, that's my little brother.
He is very silly, loves to play and makes jokes
That aren't all that funny.
My sister is an acrobat her actions vary.
She is also a stilt walker. She is usually the
Amazement of the family.
I am an acrobat also you will never know
What I might do. I am also a person in the crowd.
I sit back and watch the show. Sometimes I am my
Families' biggest fan. I keep them motivated.
ELA 6th P3 6/6/11