Negative Positivism

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I need to de-stress

my stomach is a tumbling mess 

listening to Papa Roach 


wafting in life like a faint fragrance 

sitting thinking dreaming 

no not dreaming just existing 

wanting to dream

not doing just being 

being here being present in the present but feeling without presence 


that's it 

not here. not at all. not sitting. floating... flailing. failing?

screaming. papa roach. 

I don't know. Just trying not to choke 

hard to choke when there's nothing to do 

feeling lazy and grayish blue 

wanna make a mark but don't know where to start 

going with the flow following everyone else 

wanting to cease. wanting to go out and have fun 

going out every weekend. maybe its time to stay in. 

looming feeling, fear of regret. hardly ever regretted anything. 

cant remember what's been rejected and regretted. 

its not important then. 

nothing is in the grand  scheme of things. 

saying nothing but saying everything all at once. knowing nothing. 

but knowing everything all the same. 

hopefully hopeless 

in a wide net of everything. every sound, feeling, smell. 

every thing. 

every being. 

different beings in one. essence. 

essence is not singular. it is a multitude of versions  culminated. 

garbage. jumbled garbage this is. 

trash and treasure. it brings pleasure

 the author doesn't even understand whats written 

whats written is too real and ever changing

relatable in 5 years. tomorrow. today. right now. last night. 


speechlessly talkative. 

oxymoronic phrases mean everything and nothing at all. that is their beauty. 

this is the end. nothing ever ends. this may be the beginning. 


the beginning of the end. 

there it is again. 

I feel so alive with a camera in my hands. 3:58pm.

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