Aubreys POV (Breakfast)

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The next morning I had woken up with a smile still on my face. Who would've thought that Michael and I would ever kiss? Then I remembered Jacob. As much as it hurt me to do so, I had to end it, now that he had cheated.  I got my phone and sent him a text, a call would be too much to handle right now.

I know about Sarah.  It's over, don't try to change my mind, you should've thought of it before. Don't text back.

He never seemed like the cheating type. He was always sweet to me and was the 'perfect' boyfriend, well, up until this point.  But I guess you never really know someone deep down, people were capable of doing terrible things, and you couldn't stop it, it was inevitable.  

I hadn't talked to Brooklyn since the phone call, even though she had texted me multiple times. I sent her a text saying thanks for telling me, and then went to take a shower.  There was a radio in the bathroom, so I turned it on.  Rolling In the Deep, By Adele was playing.

The scars of your love remind me of us, they keep me thinking that we almost had it all

I sang along, as it hit straight to my heart. When I went back to the room all the girls were staring at me with wide open mouths.

"Why didn't you tell us you could sing?"  Michelle asked, she seemed surprised, well, all of them did. 

"Sorry, I'm really not that great!  I just love to sing, it helps clear my mind." I walked into the room brushing my hair.

"Whatever! You're like a mix of Katy Perry and Britt Nicole! But anyways, we're going to breakfast in like ten minutes, so get ready." They all resumed watching my little pony, like they did at nine o'clock every morning. While I got ready, Starlight Twinkle, I think, was telling everyone the importance of friendship. 

Breakfast was sort of come and go as you please, it was a buffet of pretty much any breakfast food you could think of. School was pretty easy too, as people had told me from last year.  Classes would start at 10:15 every Monday to Thursday, and get out around 4:30. You only needed six classes, and three were mandatory. I chose choir, drama, and art as my three electives, and the mandatory classes were math, english, and science. They didn't want to take more of our time away for a history class, so we were each given a book to read every night for a certain number of pages, but no one really kept up with it. I was told that at the end of each semester you would have to take a test about the pages you had read so far, but everyone passed it, it was like third grade history.

Who was the first president of the United States? George Washington

How many states are there? 50 

Who were the first people in America? Native Americans

What was the name of people that came from the United Kingdom to America in the 1700s? Pilgrims

Name someone famous from the American Civil war. Abraham Lincoln

The questions seemed really easy.

When I was ready, we went downstairs to the Caf, as everyone else called it. The girls were joking about how Michael would be there waiting with a tray filled for me. Surprisingly he was.  The girls all said 'aww' to joke with us, but I was beet red.  

"Hey, Aubrey!" He said with a smile. I sat down next to him. He had obviously been paying attention to my breakfast preferences since I got here. A doughnut, scrambled eggs with cheese, and bacon.

"Geez, Michael, you must be stalking me or something, how'd you know what to put on my tray?" He smirked and wrapped an arm around my waist, pulling me closer to him.

"Oh did I forget to tell you? Yea I've watched your every move." He joked.  I couldn't resist him, and I laid a quick peck on his lips, as all of the guys groaned.

"Get a room you too!" Isaiah said with disgust, but all the girls squealed.

"Yeah, I'd like to get through this meal without losing it all over the floor." Said Zach

"Bruce! Why can't you be cute like that?" Michelle asked, teasing him.

"MIchelley welly, you know I wuv you!" Bruce sounded like a little five year old, it was hard not to laugh, and even harder when he cradled her in his arms and they rubbed noses.

"Quick! Get a bucket!" Isaiah was doubled over pretending to throw up all over the floor, making little gagging noises. 

"And this, Isaiah, is why you don't have a girlfriend." Katie joked, actually, I could see those two as a couple, the way the joked seemed flirtatious enough.

"You know, plenty of girls have asked me out, Katie, I just don't want to be in a steady relationship right now." He looked at his tray as he moved his food around, we all burst out laughing.

"You sit on a throne of lies! I haven't seen one girl ask you out since Aubrey has been here! Let's make a bet, if you can find a decent girl you actually like, ask her out, and if she says yes, I'll... I'll carry your stuff to all of your classes for a week." Katie loved a good bet, and seeing as Isaiah and her had the same schedule, it woudn't be difficult.  

"Challenge accepted."  He stuck out a hand and they shook on it.

"So, Aubrey, are you and Mike like, dating now:?" Zach asked, trying to change the subject. Michael and I both looked at each other, obviously knowing what we would tell our friends.  He grabbed my hand and announced to everyone in the caf.

"As of right now, Aubrey Waters and Michael Cross are officially dating!" He raised our hands so everyone could see. Some people were clapping, but mainly our table, who was applauding like they were applauding a performance at the Grammys.

I sat there and giggled like a maniac and hugged him, and he whispered in my ear, '"I mean, if that's alright with you." And I whispered back, "Michael, that is definitely alright with me."  And I pecked him on the cheek. 

The rest of breakfast was spent with Isaiah and Katie arguing about their bet, Zach flicking bits of egg at Michael and I, and Bruce and Michelle.


Hi! Sorry, I know it has been a while, these next few chapters are my favorite so far! If you have any questions or suggestions tell me in the comments! Also, I'm adding a new character here in the next few chapters and I'm not sure what their name should be, so think of some names! I'll ask in one of the next chapters for their name! Don't forget to vote! :) Thanks for reading!

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