The Townhouse

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Azriel, Spymaster of the Night Court, the Shadow Singer, found himself strolling up to the entrance of the townhouse as the sun was making its descent down into the horizon, illuminating the surface of the Sidra in hues of soft orange and dusty pink. He had met with Rhys and Cassian in the House of Wind one last time to discuss the plans for tomorrow's meeting with the other High Lords. Amren had decided to stay behind with the Book of Breathings, but Nesta was to come along since her being there would be vital to convincing the other High Lords to side with them against Hybern.

As he reached the oak door, he raised his hand to knock, but remembered that Cassian had broken the lock in the morning when him and Mor had gotten into a messy brawl over who would have the last bit of chocolate cake that Feyre had made. But he knocked anyway and gave himself a few moments before slowly pushing the door open and letting himself in. The living room was dark, save for the few rays of twilight coming through the window, brightening the few objects it reached. He had expected to find Mor and Feyre, but it seemed that they  had gone to the Rainbow for the evening, leaving the townhouse empty.

He walked over to the window and peered out to the small garden that had slowly been growing in the past weeks. It wasn't grand, unlike the ones at the Spring Court, but it was peaceful. Gentle. Like the hands that tended to them. He cracked open the window and inhaled the scent of jasmine deep into his lungs. 

Careful footsteps padded down the hall, inaudible to many, but not the Spymaster. The lock. Someone had gotten in. His shadows flared and his hand moved to Truth Teller at his side as he turned to face the intruder, but found himself looking at Elain. Looking unfazed, she stared back at him. No emotion. No curiousity. Nothing. 

"I'm sorry," he breathed, sheathing his dagger, "I didn't know you were here. I'll  leave". He started towards the door but stopped after a few steps.

She stared at him. Waiting. Eyes distant.

"I'll find someone to fix the lock." he said, jerking his head at the door and the broken lock. Velaris was safe, but after what had happened a few months ago, nothing was certain.

"Is she leaving tomorrow?" she whispered, ignoring him  and taking a step towards the window he had been near moments ago. 

"They both are " he replied, knowing she asked of her sister. He watched as her shoulders slightly sagged and an inaudible sigh left her mouth. The bright green dress she wore looked out of place in the dark, contrasting against the dark wooden walls. It hugged her bodice and softly cascaded down her legs. She stood motionless as she looked out into the garden, eyes hollow. He wondered of how she had been before Hybern had changed her. Thrown her into the Cauldron and forged her.  He shut out the thoughts that flooded his mind at the memory of that moment.

He looked at her for a few heartbeats, and then turned and walked to the door. 

"You can stay" she said, almost inaudibly. "I don't mind."

He looked back at her. "No, I'll go. I should get some rest for tomorrow" he lied, not wanting to bother her. Deep down, he admitted to himself that he wanted to stay. The thought of leaving her alone didn't sit well with him. But he knew he couldn't. Not when she wasn't comfortable. Not when she was Lucien's mate. "Goodnight"

She looked up at him, those brown eyes cloudy. "Okay".

He offered her a small smile, stepped over the threshold and shut the door quietly behind him. 

The sun had gone down, and faelamps were being lit along the cobble stoned street. He inhaled deeply and looked towards the Sidra.  He could go back to the House of Wind, and go over the plans again. Review his files on Hybern. Hell, he could go for a walk in the Rainbow. 

But he found himself sitting down on the front steps.

 He wasn't going to leave her all alone. Especially with a broken lock on the front door.

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