House of Wind (Meeting Room)

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"There are plenty of healers in the mountains" Cassian snorted, bewildered at the young male standing before him.

Camryn ran his hand through his dark hair, his three siphons glinting in the moonlight that filtered through the open window of the meeting room.  He looked over at Azriel with a defeated look for help, but the latter ignored him. 

"I know that, but-" Camryn exhaled, looking back at the General, "this one is better". 

It was a lie. A blatant, obvious lie. Azriel felt it as his shadows curled around his ears and he realized the male  had come for other reasons, still involving the healer but -  but he didn't say anything. For now.

"Bullshit" Cassian growled, eyes seething. "Whatever reason you came here for, you can't leave without telling us"  He crossed his arms over his chest. Cass's reaction was not surprising nor unnecessary, as the state of certain legions in Illyria were problematic. Dangerous even. Azriel knew firsthand how unsettled some of the soldiers were. How unsettled the families were. Even if they were born and bred for battle, it is never easy.

Rhys walked into the room, his hair ruffled.  "What in the rutting hell happened?" he said evenly, eyes stopping on the Illyrian male clad in leathers and daggers. He cocked his head. "Did something happen at the camp?"

"No, it's not -" Azriel started, but Cassian interrupted. 

"Camryn here" he said, waving at the male, "wants us to believe that he came all the way here to Velaris to see a healer. Because apparently the healers in the mountains are not good enough for him. And in the process, blew up the back of Oren's bakery and scared the shit out of half the faeries on the street"

Rhys looked at Az, and the latter pursed his lips, but didn't miss that look that passed between them.

"Do you want me to lie? Is that what you want?" Camryn said, taking a step toward the window.

Cassian stepped in his path, knowing full well what the Illyrian intended to do. 

Rhys crossed his arms and leaned against the wall, looking between Cassian and Camryn. 

"Just leave. We'll figure out what you are up to either way." he whispered, angling head towards the window.  Cassian stiffened.

There was a long pause and with that Rhys vanished into thin air.

Azriel didn't miss the slight bob of Camryn's throat.

Cassian stared at the soldier as he walked towards the door, and then paused. And then he shook his head and exited the room.

Camryn huffed a breath he had been holding in and stepped toward the window, but Azriel put a hand on his arm, stopping him. 

"Why can't she work at the camp?" Azriel whispered, even though they were alone. He felt his shadows slow.

The male's eyes widened, shocked at first, and then understanding marked his face. His lips parted. "She - " he breathed, looking pained, "She doesn't know". His amber eyes flickered.

Azriel nodded. There was more he wasn't telling him, but he didn't press.

And with that the Illyrian soared off into the night , his form a speck in the endless black sky.

Thanks for the read:):):)Let me know in the comment what you think? Do you want to know more about the new character?

Annndd...since ACOFAS has already come out, I figured I'd continue this story from the end of that novella...

The next chapter will be a continuation from that end.

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