Meeting Room (House of Wind)

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Rhys tapped his fingers against the back of the armchair.

"Well" he said, looking out the window facing the Sidra. The water was a deep grey - reflecting the darker than usual clouds.

He angled his head and looked at Azriel, eyebrows furrowed and violet eyes swirling with thoughts. The dark power beneath the skin rippling but contained.

Azriel took a shuddering breath. His shadows moved differently today - slower than usual. More  tentatively.

He'd made his decision. 

"I'll do it". He had mulled it over and over the past few days.

 And he'd come to a decision. "I'll do it", he repeated.

Rhys nodded, staying silent.

"Let me know when you want me to begin."

The High Lord nodded again and turned to fully face his Spymaster. "You might want help - some sight."

Azriel's shadows flickered. He had thought about this too.

"Let me know."


A quick one. Sorry for the super late update! Let me know what you think! And don't forget to give it a vote <3

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⏰ Last updated: May 30, 2020 ⏰

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