House of Wind

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He landed with a soft thud on the veranda of the House of Wind, his shadows retreating as he walked inside to the dinning room. If it hadn't been for the slight - unexpected - delay at the war camp, he would not have been late. 

Everyone, already seated, turned as he walked in. 

"How is it?" Rhys asked, setting down his water glass, his brows etched with concern. With the war in the horizon, we were all tense. Worried. We were running out of time.

"The soldiers are a bit edgy, but they are prepared. Maybe a little restless" he replied as he pulled out the empty chair between Mor and Cassian, recalling the charged atmosphere of the legion. 

Cassian mumbled something under his breath about Illyrian soldiers always being like that and took a bite of the steak from his plate. Azriel looked around the table, and hid his surprise well when he found Elain, who always ate in her chambers, seated across from him. She was wearing a light blue dress, her golden brown hair tumbling down her shoulders in soft waves. Clutching her fork in one had, she stared down at her bowl of lamb stew. 

It was quiet, save for the noise of Cassian eating. 

Mor shifted in her seat, looking over at Azriel's empty plate. With a sigh, she snapped her fingers and he watched as it filled with beans, a roasted chicken leg  and some vegetables. Cassian snorted and Mor shot him an icy glare.

"Hey Az, wanna fill us in on our High Lady's flying lessons?" Cassian smirked, stuffing his face with some roasted lamb. This time, it was Nesta who shot him a disgusted look. 

Rhysand laughed, and Feyre jabbed him in the rib. 

Azriel chuckled, thankful for the change in mood. "She's getting better" he said as he looked over at Feyre. She shook her head slightly and smiled at him.

"Well, that's interesting, because that's not what I saw this morning" Cassian continued,       "Slamming into trees isn't really flying if you ask me"

Feyre shot him a vulgur gesture that had Rhys roaring with laughter and Amren choking on her blood wine. 

Azriel caught the slight upward twitch in the corners of Elain's lips. But it was gone in an instant, leaving him wondering if he had imagined it. 

"Wow, that's a low blow, Your Highness" teased Cassian, winking at Feyre.

"I can go lower, General " bit back Feyre, setting her fork down. Mor giggled beside him.

And then they went back and forth for a bit, and Azriel tuned it out as he began eating. 

To be continued...(in the next chapter)

*It would be really cool of you can let me know what you think* :D

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