The Escape

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Cato laughed as Clove pulled out a knife. "Good thing I told Marvel to kill her. Now Cato and I are the only careers left. Now we'll win for sure. That is, after we kill you." She waved the knife tauntingly above my head. Cato smirked. "Let's face it- you're so quiet and clever you could jump out at any time and kill us. But you're weak. That means we can kill you if we can catch you. So, guess what we're going to do?" He got close up to my face. "To make it even more painful, we're going to keep you hostage. Then tomorrow, after you're scared and weak, we'll make your death slow and painful." I tried to yell for Thresh, but no sound came. Clove looked at the healing cut on my cheek. "Oh, look. You're cut is healing." She picked up her knife and sliced the cut open again. She smiled. Does she like to hurt people? Or does she want more sponsors? Or does she just want to go home?

Cato holds me down as Clove takes out rope from her backpack. It's thick and looks like it'll be a struggle to escape from it. They tie me up to a tree. As night falls, I hear their whispers.

"Cato, let's just kill her now."

"No, Clove, not yet."

"When she's dead there's a better chance of going home."

"I know, but what do you think? We'll get more sponsors from killing her now or we'll get more sponsors for a dramatic death?"


"If you have more sponsors you have a better chance of winning."

"Fine, but we're killing her tomorrow."

"Of course."

They eat some meat as I starve. They're going to kill me. A tear rolls down my cheek and I quickly wipe it away on my shoulder. The blanket is still with me, but I obviously can't use it right now, so I'll either die tomorrow or overnight.

Night falls and Clove and Cato drift off to sleep. Now's my chance. But how do I escape? I can't. I just can't. Then I remember.

My knife is in my belt.

Was Cato too stupid to remove it when he was holding me down? I move my hand left a little bit... Is it there? Yes, it is. But I can't grab it. I need to get it. I take my only finger I can move and grab the handle with it. I have it now, and I pull the knife through the rope. I saw up and down the best I can with one finger. The rope snaps. I now have a free hand.

I saw up and down again. The rope snaps. I have a free arm. I cut the rope around the tree. The rope gives way and I'm free. I take my knife and blanket and run. I run as fast as I can to the tree I camp out in. I take my armful of supplies and run farther. They can't find me, now. They can't find me.

I wrap the blanket around me. They can't find me. I slowly drift off to sleep.

They can't find me.

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