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(Y/n) - your name
(H/c) - hair color
(H/l) - hair length
(E/c) - eye color
(S/c) - skin color
(F/c) - favorite color


Levi Ackerman

"What are you doing?" Kenny asked as I picked up the kid laying on the filthy grounds. She had a bundle of (h/c) hair on her head and was extremely light. I ignored Kenny's question and continued to view the small baby in my arms.

"Oi, brat, I asked you question." He said. I hesitantly lifted my gaze from the girl to Kenny.

"What does it matter to you?" I asked. He narrowed his eyes.

"It matters because I don't want another brat tagging along. One is hard enough. Now put the kid down and let's get going." He said. I looked back at the baby and shook my head. He headed towards me and pulled out his dagger. My heart beat escalated, but I kept my cool.

"Don't forget what I'm capable of Levi." He said, spatting out my name like it was poison. I set down the girl and spread out my arms.

"Don't touch (y/n)."

"(Y/n)? What a stupid name." He chuckled. He inched close enough to press the weapon to my neck. I winced, but stood ground. (Y/n) continued to cry loudly behind me. Poor thing.

"Why do you care so much about this defenseless thing you call (y/n) anyway? She's probably just the kid of some prostitute. She's a waste of life Levi!" He said harshly. I shook my head slowly. He removed the dagger, scoffed, and walked away without another word. My neck was bleeding slightly but not much. I turned around and picked up (y/n).

I wiped the tears she had in her eyes and on her cheeks. She finally opened her eyes, revealing (e/c) eyes. I smiled slightly and brought her close to my face. I kissed her forehead and walked off.

eight years later

"She's at it again Levi." The blonde said from beside me. I crossed my arms and watched as she fought skillfully with some boy her age named Peej. She swept his feet, making him crash onto the ground. She continuously punched the boy until she was satisfied with his bloody nose and bruised face.

She wiped sweat from her forehead with her (f/c) sweater sleeve and sighed. "You dirtied my hands Peej, and most likely my clothes too." (Y/n) said angrily. The boy quickly got up and ran/limped away before she could pull a blade.

I then got a good look of her face. She had a large bruise on her right cheek, bleeding knuckles, and a scratch on her forehead. She looked close to passing out.

She walked towards me and Farlan, and almost immediately, I grabbed her arm and dragged her inside. I told Farlan to get the medical supplies so I could fix the brat up.

"I'm fine Levi! You should've seen the other guy!" She said as I examined her wounds.

"I did. But I'm not concerned about the other guy, I'm concerned about you." I said. She rolled her (e/c) eyes. How could a small nine year old girl have so much attitude in her?

Farlan came back with the supplies and handed them to me. I began bandaging her up. I cleaned up her bloody knuckles and pressed ice on her bruised cheek. I cleaned the small amount of blood from her forehead scar and left it as it was. It would probably stay like that for her entire life time.

Once I was done I told her to go wash up and change clothes. Once she left, we began hearing ruckus outside the door. We both quickly stood up and pulled out our daggers. We exchanged looks as Farlan positioned himself besides the door. His hand quickly turned the handle, forcefully opening the door. A girl with maroon hair came crashing down on our freshly cleaned floor.

"Oh, it's just a kid. That surprised me." Farlan said. My eyes stayed glued on the girl.

"Not.... a kid! I'm not.... a kid!" She exclaimed looking angrily at Farlan.

"Is that so? Then I won't feel so bad about kicking you out. I'll let the fact that you dirtied my floor slide. Get out. Now." I said bluntly. She stayed still, and silent.

"What? You can't move?" Farlan asked. She growled.

"Of course I can!" The red head began standing up, and I caught a glance of a small object in her hands. Possibly an animal.

"What a strong willed kid." Farlan mumbled.

"Over here!" A male voice yelled from outside. The girl let out a gasp and tried to stand up, failing, and crashing onto the door.

"Tch. Bastard. Your being chased?" I asked.

"What should we do?" Farlan asked. I headed to the door to see who had been yelling. A man with an idiotic haircut was speaking of having "fun" with her. Disgusting.

"There's no fun with a brat like that." Said another guy. The guy with the stupid haircut looked up at us.

"Oi! There's a dirty little kid over here right?!" He yelled.

"Those are the only kinds around." Farlan said from behind me. He began making his way up the stairs. His eyes widened a bit as he caught glance of the girl.

"Hey, I found her! Are you guys friends of her?" The man asked.

Farlan shook his head. "Not at all."

"Then hand her over," more guys came upwards. "after all you'll be sorry for covering her."

"She did try to pass up the eleventh stairway without paying." Another guy said. My eyes widened at his statement.

"You guys should know this, anyone who passes there is persecuted." The man said.

"You'll be charged too for being her accomplice." The other said. The girl gasped and lifted her head.

"I don't care anymore, move away from her." The man said, chuckling. He placed his hand on my shoulder. I reached for my blade and sliced it away. I walked towards him and beat him till' I was satisfied.

"Don't touch me with your filthy hand. I might get dirty." I said coldly. I pushed him down the stairs, towards his other companions.

"You can't do it like that. We always prioritize hygiene. Please, wash your hands and come again." Farlan said as I cleaned my blade. The men left. I turned my attention back to the girl.

"How long are you going to hold it to your stomach? It'll die you know."


Heya! Just trying somethin out. This is my first attempt for an aot x reader fanfic so yeah. I hope you enjoyed this chapter in all! I'll be sure to update tons if this gets good enough view haha. Ok I'll stop being awkward bYe.


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