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(Y/n) Ackerman

Today was my first day of teaching the 104. They wanted me to teach a class of fighting techniques and then show them with a hands on lesson.

Before I left base, we had a short meeting to determine what squads we'd be in. Since Suzuha has basically been working with the Survey Corps since he was twelve, they ranked him up to Squad Leader and assigned him his own personal squad. They assigned him five soldiers. I was one of them.

The rest were my friends from the trainee days. Jaiden, Dom, Dan, and Phil. We were like a second special ops squad since we were all well skilled.

Once they had dismissed us, I went to grab my horse and ventured off to the trainee camp. I quickly tied up my horse and walked towards the building where I would be teaching. I made it inside where some of the kids from the 104 were speaking to one another.

I cleared my throat to get their attention. They all looked at me and I scanned the room to see if I recognized some faces. Jean, Marco, Armin, Connie, Mina, Reiner, Bertholdt, and Jeager. He shot me a dirty look as I began to introduce myself.

"My name's (y/n) Ackerman. I'll be teaching you some techniques to use in battle. Let's get started." I sighed. I turned towards the chalk board and began my teachings.

I told them how they could pass the 3DMG ability test and the basics of how to operate the device. I showed them ways to hit the target and told them they'd get used to their own form once they started practicing with the actual gear. Then there was hand-in-hand combat.

"Alright who's ready for some hands on training?" I asked. The room buzzed with excitement and nervousness all at once.

"Ok, I'll need a volunteer." I said as a couple of hands went up. I looked around closely and picked a girl with brownish/red hair tied up in a ponytail. She walked towards me and introduced herself as Sasha Brouse.

"Alright, I'll be showing a simple technique I learned in my trainee days." I tossed Sasha a wooden dagger.

"Sasha's going to charge at me and I need to stop her and take the dagger." I explained.

I got into position and told Sasha to go. The brunette ran towards me. Once she was close enough, I pressed a hand on her side and let my free hand grasp het left arm. I quickly side stepped and kicked the back of her legs, making her fly into the air and forcefully hit the ground with a grunt. I grabbed the dagger and pressed it towards her neck.

"Simple move and really easy to learn. So, who's next?" This continued for a while. Reiner, Mikasa, and Bertholdt excelled greatly, while others like Armin had trouble walking back to their seats.

Shadis had later told me that they would start practing with partners on the training grounds. I walked around watching as everyone used moves I taught them and some of their own. I watched as Jean and Marco trained and occasionally flirted with one another. Cute.

While I was walking, I bumped into someone, making both of us fall onto the hard dirt.

"Oh sorry about- you." I looked up to see Jeager giving me a dirty look. I stood up and quickly dusted myself off.

"You're the reason I almost got kicked out of the trainee corps!" He exclaimed. I shook my head.

"I wasn't the one picking a fight. If you almost got kicked out it's because you caused it!" I yelled. He furrowed his eyebrows and raised his fist up in the air. I tossed him a wooden dagger. Eren caught it and looked at me confused.

"If you want to fight, do it properly." I said as I got into my fighting stance. He straightened up a grasped onto the dagger tightly.


Eren charged at me. I side stepped and kicked his shin forcefully, making him fall towards the ground. He attempted getting up, but failed countless of times.

"Get up, it's not over yet. Or do you need help there?" I asked mockingly.

Eren forced himself upwards and ran with a slight limp towards me. I applied pressure on his collarbone and grabbed his arm, easily making him fall on the hard ground as I kicked his feet. I grabbed the dagger from beside him and pressed it onto his neck.

"Don't act high and mighty if you can't even touch me." I said. I stood up and extended my hand to help him up. He slapped it away and stood up. Rude.

"Don't bother helping me out. I'm fine on my own." He said harshly. I rolled my eyes as he walked away.

"You shouldn't mind my brother. He can act pretty rude sometimes." I turned around to see Mikasa. I sighed and rubbed the back of my neck.

"I suppose you're right. But man can he be an ass!" I exclaimed. She gave me a soft smile.

"I'm sure he's just jealous you get to kill Titans instead of him." Jean snickered as he walked up to us. Marco followed shortly after. We talked a little more before we heard Armin yell something from across the field.

"This is why nobody wants to be friends with you!" Everyone looked at Armin with shocked expressions as he stomped towards us.

"Armin? You good there?" Jean asked him. Armin let out a puff of breath.

"It's just that-"

"Eren's being a little shit because both (y/n) and I kicked his ass." A girl with pulled up blonde hair said. Armin cheeks redend as she placed an arm on his shoulder.

"Y-Yeah. What Annie said. Anyways, he just started complaining about all of this and acting like he was a victim. Man can he be a handful." Armin sighed.

"Try keeping him safe for a day. It's like he wants to be in danger." Mikasa sighed. We laughed at Mikasa's comment and continued our conversation for a while before Shadis yelled at them to get back to training.

Maybe these three years won't be so bad.


Thank you for over 100 reads guys! I didn't even think this story would go pass 10 reads. I hope you enjoy the story so far, and do hesitate to leave your opinions on it, I'd love to know what you guys think ^-^! That's it for this chapter and I'll see you in the next one!


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