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Third Person

A meeting to capture the Female Titan was held that night. Levi, Eren, and (y/n) were sat around a table making small talk. Eren apologized to his captain, saying he should've shifted to protect them from the Female Titan. Levi brushed it off and continued to sip his tea.

(Y/n) was mostly silent, replaying what happened in the expedition in her head. She had lost so many comrades, and almost Eren, who had become more important to her by each passing day. What worried her most, was the fact that Levi haven't talked with her at all about his squad's death. He hadn't brought it up at all.

"I wonder what's taking them so long." Eren sighed. Levi took a sip of his tea.

"Maybe they're taking a shit, and that shit won't come out." He said nonchalantly. Eren looked at him weirdly, and (y/n) just shook her head.


The meeting had finally finished after a while. They had a plan to capture the Female Titan. Jean would act as a decoy of Eren, since they basically had the same looks. Armin, Mikasa, and Eren would lead Annie to an underground tunnel to capture her. Even if she transformed underground, she could be contained, but if she shifted before heading underground, there'd be issues and Eren would have to shift. (Y/n) would be with Hanji and her squad, ready to capture the Female Titan if needed. As for Erwin and Levi, they'd be on stand by.

Everyone in the meeting was dismissed to go and rest, since the plan to capture the Female Titan would be executed the next morning. Eren, Armin, and Jean went to their respected rooms and Mikasa left for the infirmary.

Mikasa pulled out the small silver locket Suzuha had given her. She opened the circle shaped locket to see a miniature drawing of the two. She smiled and sighed, placing it beneath her shirt and continuing her walk to check on Suzuha.

Levi and (y/n) were the only ones left in the Mess Hall.

"Are you alright?" (Y/n) asked softly. Levi pushed away his tea. He got somewhat used to Petra's coffee and it felt strange knowing he wouldn't be able to taste something like that again. It felt empty without his squad here. They were his family.

"I'm alright. I want you to stay away from Jeager." He said standing up. (Y/n) gave him a questioning look. Stay away? Why?

"I don't want you getting hurt even more. He's already caused you enough trouble. So from now on, I want you treating him as a comrade." Levi said as he washed and dried his dish, putting it away in its respected cabinet.

"He hasn't caused me any trouble." (Y/n) said.

"You say as your arm and ribs are still broken. You could've gotten killed (y/n). In fact whenever you're close to dying, it's because of that kid." Levi said walking towards the door.

"If I die it's because I chose to! I'm prepared to leave this place at any given moment. I'm prepared to lay my life down for humanity Levi!" (Y/n) yelled.

"Except you aren't dying for humanity (y/n)! You'll be dying for that kid, and I'm not trying to lose anyone else." Levi said. (Y/n) clenched her teeth.

"Just because you lost everything, doesn't mean I have to too!"

"Then why don't you just go on and get yourself killed already!" Levi finally yelled. (Y/n)'s features softened. Levi's eyes softened as well, but he refused to look at his sister.

He just told his only family to get themselves killed. How could he say such a thing? He kept silent and slowly walked out the door. He didn't expect (y/n) to forgive him anytime soon.

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