24-call your name

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Third Person

Soldiers quickly went by, clearing the deceased bodies. Levi went along with them, but mostly for his squad. He didn't have high hopes for his sister either. By the time he reached where he thought Eren's Titan and (y/n) would be, there was nothing.

He kept his gaze down as he tried not to imagine what could've happened to (y/n). She wasn't with the scouts, so it was most likely she followed something and ended with a terrible fate.

As he reached his squad, memories began flashing through his head. Much like when his mom died, when Kenny left, and when Isabelle and Farlan died. He passed Gunther first, and this time stopped to help bring his body down from its dangling position. The three other soldiers pulled a cloth over his body and put him in the cart.

Next was Eld, who's body was bitten in half. They covered him up and put him with the others. They did the same with Olou. Levi smiled to himself inside. He remembered the soldier mimicking his every action, all to impress the red head who's body was leaned up against a tree.

Levi slowly walked over to Petra, a dark shadow covering his grey eyes. He carefully pulled her body away from the stained tree and let it rest in his arms. He closed her wide eyes and attempted to fix her blood stained hair.

He didn't understand why the most important people in his life were brought to this fate. They didn't do anything wrong. They only wanted the best, yet their lives were blown off like it meant nothing.

He carefully carried her body towards the three other soldiers, making sure her head wasn't dangling, but laying on his chest. He helped cover her body and place her in the wagon with the others.

Jean looked at all the deceased comrades they brought back. There was already over twenty and more yet to come. He looked to the side where part of a dead soldiers face was showing. Jeans eyes widened. He never forgot a face, especially not this one.

Jean ran towards the body and fell onto his knees, pulling back the cover to see the soldiers entire face. He sighed once he realized he was only imagining. The soldier had several freckles on their cheeks and neck. They even had dark hair like Marco, but it wasn't him. Jean knew it wasn't him, but it granted him with peace to see someone so similar that didn't die as tragic as Marco did.

Jean pulled the cover back over the soldiers face and stood up, saluting to all his fallen comrades. "Thank you." He mumbled to them.

Armin felt uneasy. That Titan. Those eyes. He recognized them all. Yet, he didn't want to believe it. He didn't want to believe that the girl he fell for, was a murderer. She couldn't be. Yet all the signs painted her guilty.

(Y/n)'s eyes fluttered open as she looked up at the trees and sky above her. She realized she was still on the forest ground. She slowly stood up, her back killing her. Eren was laying on top of her, his right hand clutching her shoulder and his face buried in her abdomen.

She tried to shake Eren awake, but he didn't budge. She tried again but nothing happened. Her eyes widened as she began to panic.

"E-Eren. Wake u-up." She stuttered out, having trouble speaking and breathing.

(Y/n) tried shaking him one more time, before realizing what she had to do. She turned Eren's body over, laying him flat on the ground. She tilted his head slightly upward and prepared herself to attempt CPR on him.

Before she could do anything, Eren quickly turned to the side, and coughed up saliva mixed with blood. "E-Eren!"

Eren's eyes slowly opened to see a blurry (y/n) over him. He had blood flowing down his forehead and scratches on his cheeks, due to falling through multiple branches.

Eren tried to sit up, only to realize that he couldn't. The soreness throughout his body was overwhelming. (Y/n) quickly hugged him, burying her face in his chest.

"I'm glad... you're alive." She said softly as images of her comrades, friends, and family flashed through her mind. Eren smiled weakly and hugged the girl back.

I'm glad you're okay too.... (y/n)."

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