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(Y/n) Ackerman

Commander Erwin sighed once Levi had explained the entire story.

"Cadet Ackerman, you do understand this sort of behaviour isn't allowed in the regiment. You'll have to be punished for your actions." Erwin said. I nodded and kept my mouth shut. Erwin looked towards Levi.

"What do you think Levi. Cleaning duty for three months?" Erwin asked. Levi looked at me and shook his head.

"She'll be spending three years teaching the cadets with Shadis." My eyes widened and I turned myself around to look at my brother.

"Wait, what!? Teach the cadets? With Shadis?!" I exclaimed. I could hear a small snicker come from the commander.

"You were the top of the class correct? It shouldn't be a problem to teach some newbies." Levi said. I let out a groan and turned to Erwin.

"Come on please change his mind commander! Your the head of the Survey Corps! Change his mind, please!" I begged. Erwin shook his head.

"Sorry (y/n), its finalised. Starting tomorrow you'll attend everyday to help the cadets with their training. You're dismissed." Erwin said. I sighed and stood up.

"Understood commander." I saluted and walked outside.

"You should've listened to orders. Then you wouldn't have been in this mess." I let out a yelp as Suzuha came out of the shadows.

"Suzuha you nearly scared me to death!" I yelled as I punched his arm. He shrugged. We began walking towards the Mess Hall for breakfast, but once we arrived, the soldiers and food were gone. I groaned.

"Can today get any better." I said as I took a seat on one of the tables.

"Sucks for you. I had Dom get my food earlier. See you around Ackerman." Suzuha said before walking towards the door.

"Oh by the way, we have a meeting later today. We'll be getting assigned squads." He said before walking out. I sat in silence for quite a while before I heard someone walk in.

"Excuse me, I was wondering if there was still breakfast left over. I kind of slept in." I turned my head to the side to see the red head from yesterday. The new cadet.

"Nope sorry. I didn't get breakfast either." I sighed. She frowned.

"I guess I'll just make myself a cup of coffee. Do you want one?" She asked me. I nodded and smiled at her. It's the best I can get right now.

"Alright! I'll be back soon." She disappeared into the kitchen just as Levi and his squad entered the Mess Hall.

"Man that training was tough!" Gunther groaned as he took a seat with Eld and Oulo. Levi was looking around the Mess Hall, making sure it was all clean.

"How are you doing kiddo?" Eld asked as he crossed his arms. I shrugged.

"I missed breakfast and have to train newbies. Couldn't be better." I said sarcastically. He laughed and reached over the table to mess up my hair.

"It'll be alright."

"I'm surprised the new cadet managed to get through Captain Levi's training on the first day. That's rare." Oulo said. My eyes widened a bit.

"She got through my brother's training!? I almost died when I trained with him." I said. Just then Levi plopped himself beside me.

"She's a rookie but she's skilled." The new cadet came out of the kitchen with a tray of cups and coffee on it. She placed it on the table and began pouring coffee into six cups.

"I decided to bring some more cups since I heard people come inside. I hope you like it. It's a home recipe." She said sweetly as she passed around the cups. She gave Levi his cup. He looked down at the drink and looked back at the girl.

"I'll pass." He said. I shot Levi a look.

"I only drink tea." He said. The girl's smile dropped, but she gave an understanding nod. She reached for the cup but I grabbed it before she could.

"Levi just try it." He shook his head no, making me grow impatient.

"Drink. It." I said.

"You know I don't drink coffee (y/n)." He said under his breath. I forced the cup into his hands.

"Drink it. Please." I said. He sighed and gave in. I smiled. "Thank you."

I took a sip from my cup and smiled. I was never a fan of coffee, but this was great! Everyone else seemed to agree since they drank it all in a matter of seconds.

"More please!"

"Wow, this is great! Another round for me!"

"May I have more from the beautiful lady?"

"Me too!"

Levi wiped his mouth and extended his arm towards the girl.

"Yeah, me too." He said sheepishly. I laughed along with everyone else.

"Of course." She said smiling as she took all the cups. She poured some more and handed them back.

"Your an angel Petra!" Gunther exclaimed. So that's her name. Petra. Petra smiled as a small blush creeped onto her cheeks. She mumbled a 'thank you' as we continued to talk.

It was a good day after all. We talked for hours before Levi basically threw us out for training. I was walking out with Levi before he stopped and turned around to look at Petra, who was cleaning up.

"Oi, Cadet Ral." She turned around.

"Thank you. For the coffee." He said with a small blush on his cheeks. She nodded and saluted awkwardly.

"It's my pleasure Captain, I'll devote my all to you and the Survey Corps!"


Here's a bit of a short filler chapter! I'm not so sure if I can update this weekend since I'll be somewhat busy, but I'll try. Thanks for reading and I hope you have a good weekend!

- a/n

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