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(Y/n) Ackerman

Today was my graduation day. I would then follow in my brother's footsteps to become a soldier in the Survey Corps. I would reunite with my brother and close friends. Finally.

"Offer up your hearts!" The commander yelled. I fiercely pressed my fist against the left side of my chest, right above my heart. "Yes sir!"

"You're given three options, choose wisely! The Garrison Regiment, who's job is to reinforce the walls! The Scouting Regiment, who venture outside the walls to fight Titans and take back what was once ours! At last, the Military Police, who maintain order and serve the king! Those cadets eligible for the MP have already been named! The rest of you, take a look. These are the top of your class!" The commander yelled. I smirked to myself.

1. (Y/n) Ackerman
2. Suzuha Dreyess
3. Dominic Pikes
4. Jaiden Ari
5. Emma Blackery
6. Daniel Howell
7. Philip Lester
8. Mackenzie Callous
9. Grayson Ramsey
10. Hiro Lindora

I had made number one in my class. I was twelve now and everyone else was either 15 or 16. After our graduation ceremony, we went back to have our dinner. I sat beside Suzuha who, as usual, had a stoic expression.

"So I'm guessing you're going to the scouting regiment?" Suzuha asked as he played around with his food. I smiled brightly.

"Yup!" He let out a sigh.

"You're just a kid (y/n). Why don't you head to the Garrison instead?" Suzuha said. I frowned and placed my head in my hands.

"Im not a kid." I mumbled.

"She's right Suzu." Dom said as he took a seat across from us with Jaiden.

"Don't call me that." Suzuha said. Dom let out a light laugh.

"Anyways, let (y/n) join the Scouting Regiment! Her skill is way to good to waste it in the Garrison." Dom said. Suzuha looked at me for a split second and back to Dom.

"Fine." He sighed. I let out a small cheer and smiled brightly.

"Thank you Suzuha!" I exclaimed while shaking his arm.

"All of you are insane. Why would you want to join a suicide mission? Unlike you dumb asses, I'll be going to the Military Police." Hiro said proudly from another table. I narrowed my eyes at him and stood up.

"Why did you become a soldier if you're just going to hide in the inner walls?" I said. He looked at me with his icy blue eyes, smirking.

"Because I'm not a little suicidal bastard." Hiro said as he stood up as well. I was fuming by now.

"You don't know what these Titans do to people! How can you ju-!" He cut me off and put his hand up.

"Don't be a hypocrite. You've never seen these Titans either. Don't act all high and mighty just because you scored number one." He said. I was taken back for a minute but quickly recovered.

I took in a few breaths and calmed myself. Everyone was silent, expecting me to burst or something.

"Just as I thought. You'll never be as strong as you think you are." Hiro said as he pushed my shoulder with his hand. Before his hand left contact with my shoulder, I grasped onto it, and pushed my other hand on his collar bone. I swept his feet, making him fall hard on the ground. I turned to face him and pushed a piece of (h/c) hair behind my ear.

"W-What the hell was that!?" Hiro exclaimed as he rubbed his head.

"A move I worked hard on to learn, unlike you who slacked off and still made top ten. How dare you call yourself a soldier." I said before turning around to walk away.

Before I left I took one glance back. "Also, don't touch me with those filthy hands."


"(Y/n)!" I turned my head to the side where I saw two figures running towards me. I smiled and tapped on Suzuha's arm.

"I'll be back. Just give me a few minutes." I said he nodded and continued walking.

"Jean! Marco!" I exclaimed while giving both of them a tight hug.

"How are you guys?" I asked while pulling away from the embrace. Marco smiled brightly.

"Great! Jean and I are joining the military this year!" Marco said. I smiled as he went on of how he'll change the Military Police and all that junk. I still wasn't very happy about both of them choosing those stupid MP's, but it's their decision, not mine.

"(Y/n)! Let's get going!" Dan yelled at me. I nodded towards him and looked back at the two.

"You have to go already?" Jean asked a bit sadly. I nodded and reached up to pat his head.

"I'll see you later! Maybe I'll stop by the training camp." I said before running off to the others. I smiled to myself.

Finally I get to fight Titans. I'll slaughter those monsters.


Sorry for not updating in a while and for the short chapter. I've been pretty busy with summer school, which sucks a lot. I hope you enjoyed this chapter! I promise you'll be reunited with Levi soon ^-^!

- a/n

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