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Third Person

Levi pushed pass Moblit and Eren who had been crowding (y/n). He knew (y/n) was strong and could handle anything, but this was different. Sure (y/n) always got scratched and bruised up in fights, but never anything as far as a stab wound.

"Hanji I said not a single scratch! Not a single piece of hair in the wrong place, and you give her a stab wound?!" Levi exclaimed. Hanji didn't respond. She had her eyes stuck on (y/n)'s wound. Steam was now noticeably emerging from the injury.

"She's regenerating like Eren." Hanji mumbled to herself.

"What was that shitty glasses?!" Levi growled as he began wrapping a bandage around (y/n)'s wound. Hanji ran towards (y/n) and lifted her bloody hands from the wound. She pulled her shirt up to see where the wound was. Surely enough it was gone.

Levi's eyes widened. "Is this some sort of cruel joke?" Hanji shook her head as her eyes sparkled.

"B-But it was there a minute ago.." (y/n) said. A wide smile grew on Hanji's face as she quickly lifted (y/n) from the ground.

"We have to test on you! You can be a shifter like Eren!" Hanji sad excitedly. (Y/n) scrunched up her nose.

"I'm no monster." She said. Eren flinched at her harsh words. Is that what she thinks of me now? A monster? Eren looked down sadly.

Levi pulled (y/n) away from Hanji. "I'm taking her to the infirmary. I want to make sure she's all good." He said. He turned to walk away but stopped. Levi looked up to the sky.

"Today's a good day. How about we have dinner outside today?" He said as he turned to look at Hanji, Moblit, and Eren.

They all agreed to meet at noon with Levi's squad as well.


(Y/n) Ackerman

They had told me I was all good. At one point, they even thought I was pulling a prank on them with fake blood on my shirt or something.

Evening came faster then I expected. I helped Petra take out some trays of coffee and tea along with sandwiches. I neatly placed the trays on the wooden tables and sat beside Gunther and Eld who were chatting about the upcoming expedition Erwin was preparing. They said something about how the new recruits would join on the expedition too. Already? That's too soon for them.

I glanced at Eren's hands. Sure he had regenerated a bit, but Hanji still had to wrapped bandages around them. I heard Levi scold Eren for not being able to transform, and telling him to get his act together before walking away. Gunther and Eld tried to comfort him, but they sounded more relieved than anything knowing Eren wasn't able to shift.

Eren sighed and went to grab his spoon. He winced and knocked the utensil onto the grass. We both went for it at the same time. Even if he wasn't on any good side of mine right now, I still had to be somewhat respectful.

Everything had happened so quickly. The next thing I know my hand is stuck inside some giant arm. Eren was next to me, frantically looking around at everyone. I panicked and grabbed my blade from my gear, pressing it an inch away from his neck.

"Don't do anything stupid you bastard!" I growled. Eren looked around fearfully. Everyone was shouting at him, even myself. Whatever trust we had, was gone.

"(Y/n), back down." Levi said. I shook my head, keeping my eyes locked on Eren.

"I don't trust him. All he is is some mindless Titan who doesn't know how to control his powers!" I yelled back.

"Eren what do you think you're doing!?"

"Prove yourself that you won't kill us!"

"I'll end you in a heartbeat! Do you hear me!?"

"All of you calm down!"

"Captain! Step away you're too close!"

"Shut up damnit! Everybody just shut up!" Eren yelled. I let out a small gasp. Everything fell silent until..

"Eren!" Hanji was running towards us with a crazy look in her eyes.

"Let me touch the arm! Pretty please with sugar on top!" Hanji said while drooling.

"Hanji! I-I don't think that's a good idea." Eren said. Hanji proceeded to walk towards the Titan arm. She pressed her hands onto the muscle and let out a scream.

"Son of a bitch! That shit's hot!" Hanji screamed as she slid onto her knees.

"You're a maniac squad leader! A maniac!" Moblit said as Hanji continued to ramble about the Titan arm, and how it was higher in temperature without skin.

Eren began wriggling his arm and after a little bit of struggle, he broke free. He tumbled backwards, letting out a yelp. I fell on top of him afterwards, knocking all the air out of him.

"Eren! That was too fast! I still wanted to study and-" Hanji stopped her rambling as she looked at the silver spoon in the Titan's hand.

Dinner had never been so hellish.

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