Chapter 7- Hell on Earth

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Today was the morning I go back to school and face everyone. If I had gone to school yesterday, my bruises would've been way too noticeable. They've healed and faded, but they're still there.

As far as my Grandmother's concerned, I was racing someone in track practice and I ran into a pole because I closed my eyes. I know the lie doesn't make any sense, but I had to come up with something to explain how messed up I was yesterday. There was no way I was gonna tell her what really happened.

"Está tudo bem Ayana? (Is everything okay Ayana?)", my Grandmother asked me.

I sat at the table eating my breakfast with an overload of things on my mind.

"Sim vovó, estou bem. (Yes Grandma, I'm fine.)" I lied.

"Por que você fechou os olhos enquanto você estava em uma corrida? (Why did you close your eyes while you were in a race?)" she asked me.

I froze up.

"Um, porque o vento soprou algo no meu olho. (Um, because the wind blew something in my eye.)"I said.

I hate lying to her, but there's noway I'm letting anything happen to her. If she finds out about Nicole and her gang beating me up, she'll first go down to the school and complain to the principal, the principal will call Nicole and the other three in his office and expel them, then next thing I know, I'll come home to a shattered window and my Grandmother laying on the floor in a pool of blood. All because Devonte likes me.

She had a confused look on her face. "Ok, se você diz isso. (Okay if you say so.)"

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"Wassup Ayana." said Peachez in her naturally raspy voice. I was on my way to the first class and had ran into her.

"Oh hey Peachez." I said trying to smile, even though I was in a terrible mood.

"You see thay light up there?" she asked, pointing to the ceiling light in the hallway.


"Is it a sun?" she asked.


"It's a light bulb right?"


"Then why you wearing shades inside girl?!" she asked laughing.

"Cause I have pink eye." I quickly said. "It's really bad."

Truth is, Nicole gave me not one, but two black eyes. All the other bruises faded except those.

"Ohhh, okay I gotchu. I've had that before, it ain't fun at all." she said.

"Yep, no it's not." I said adjusting the shades on my face.

"Well I hope they get better soon."

I hope these black eyes get better soon.

"Thanks Peach." I said smiling.

"You welcome gurl." she walked off.

I finally exhaled. Phew close one. Peachez is a nice girl but she can't know either. No one can, not even Devonte. Especially not Devonte.

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Nobody's POV

Ayana sat in Biology class with her shades on. Devonte sat next to her wondering what was wrong with her. Nicole sat in the seat next to Devonte staring at him deeply, without him even noticing. Mrs Jones was running late and the room was full of various conversations.

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