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She was just sitting there. The snow swirled around her hair like sparkles emphasizing her beauty. Head in her hands and tears streaming down her face, it was like seeing rain on a beautiful sunny day. I took a breath of frozen Ireland air as I watched this girl from afar. I couldn't make my feet shuffle to her side as I watched from the other side of the road. Half of my mind said go over there ask her what's wrong the other half said don't she'll attack you even if she's in tears.

I was close to walking away but my heart was winning out. I could feel my feet moving before I knew. The snow tickled my cheeks as I moved out from under trees that had long ago lost their leaves. She didn't even lift her face as I seated myself beside her. I didn't even know what to say, I mean what can you say to a crying stranger?

"What's wrong" I blurted out. Is that honestly all I could think of ugh I'm stupid. But none the less she lifted her head and looked around as of she didn't expect anyone to talk to her. She was beautiful like the ocean at sunset.

"Who are you," her voice racked with sobs and face filled with confusion. That one took me by surprise and I'm fairly sure I stared at her like an idiot because she started to squirm uncomfortably. It really hit me, this girl didn't know who I was.

"My name's Niall and yours?" it seemed like a good question to give me time to wipe the stunned expression from my face.

"It's Kalaria but just call me Kale." she seemed to relax a little as she spoke.

I couldn't stop staring at her soft grey eyes framed by brilliant red hair and porcelain skin as I responded "that's a beautiful name." and it was this girl was just gorgeous all the way around.


I couldn't even think straight where the hell did he even come from? I mean in movies I guess it happens, but not to me, my life sucks. How can you be lucky when you're dying and you haven't even lived outside your parents house for a week?

But there he was boasting with confidence and blue eyes and all. He was flawless like those people in music videos.

"Hello?," A flawless Irish accent flowed into my ear.

"What, huh," I could feel my face getting warm and knew I was blushing, which wouldn't be too bad if your cheeks weren't flushed from the frigid air.

"I said you never told me why you're crying on a bench at midnight in the middle of a snowstorm," he smiled as if to make me less embarrassed.

"It's tough to talk about." what if he thought I was a diseased freak?

"Well come on we can go to my house and you can tell me the whole story." I didn't really want to go home with a stranger for obvious reasons but Nialls voice was drawing me in. It was better than Chinese take-out, it was enchanting, that's a good description, enchanting like a prince come to save the sleeping beauty..if only it were that simple.

Before I had even resurfaced out of my own thoughts we were climbing the steps to a house I hadn't noticed in the short five days I'd been here. Westmeath (mullingar) was beautiful in the winter even if it looked dead.

Niall opened the front door and lead me to the living room where he sat on one of the couches. He motioned me to sit beside him. I tried to get comfy and put my legs under my butt.

"So what's this story," he truly looked interested and I felt bad that he'd dragged me all the way over here for the shortest story ever, I wasn't even good at telling them either.

"When I was fifteen I got really sick and they couldn't figure out what it was. It got so bad that they had to rush me to the hospital, when they tested it, it was..it was cancer," I could feel the tears start to well up in my eyes again he reached over to wipe them from my face.

His hands were so cold I almost jerked away, but I couldn't have if I wanted to I was transfixed. "Do you think you can finish, you don't have to if you can't," he generally sounded concerned.

"Yeah I'm fine," I tried to hold it together for this moment, "anyways they caught it early and were able to remove it sorta. I've been going for regular check-ups every month since then and had one the day before I left the US to come and live here.They got the results of the test today and they found it had spread to my organs. They said...they said that I have an expiration date..like I'm a can of fruit.." I chuckled to lighten the mood, "I'm sorry I have to make a joke of it all because I don't want to spend the rest of my life curled in a ball hyperventilating. But they said I've only got about 4-6 months before my organs shut down." I could see he was trying to figure out something to say like the classic "I'm so sorry" but I didn't want to hear it so I just put my hands on his and whispered "you don't have to say anything." We sat there in silence for I don't even know how long when I felt him lean forward. His breath was warm against my face and had a nice smell of chicken. I could feel his lips on mine and I couldn't think straight all I knew was it felt so good. But how should I know if it was good I'd only been kissed by one other guy, yet I knew that this was good. I didn't want him to stop but it was over before I could enjoy it. Who was this flawless boy who could come into my life and make me want him like nobody else, and I don't even know his last name..


What did I just do? I sat as far back as possible from her as if she could feel my thoughts. Her face even stunned was beautiful like a snowflake. But I shouldn't have done that I don't even know her, she could have a boyfriend... Oh god what of she has a boyfriend? I could feel my terror start to play out on my face. I had to calm down, even of she can't see me in the dim light she'll probably be able to smell my fear. The silence was unbearable I had to do something. I picked up my phone and tapped on twitter. A simple "What's up" would do. Sent. Instant mention explosion, I love the fans. I knew I couldn't avoid her forever, I couldn't hide behind a four inch screen forever. I'd have to face all the emotions I just gave this stranger. "So," her voice was small, "why'd you do that." That was an amazing question. Why. My only answer: "It felt right." "oh..." she was quite for an awkward moment then spoke again, "well I wish you wouldn't have stopped so fast." I couldn't even hide my surprise. "Really?" "Of ourse," I could hear the smile in her voice. Her cold hands touched mine, sending chills up and down my body. And I knew I had to, so I kissed her again this time with all the passion I had wanted to put in the kiss before. She put her hands in my hair as I placed mine on her back. I'm not sure how long this went on minutes, hours it was hard to tell, eventually she pushed away giggling, I loved her laugh so much. I couldn't tell what it was about this girl that made her more beautiful then the millions of girls camped outside my house all the time, she just had that..one thing.. There was just one thing I had to know. "Will you be with me?" the question came out of thin air but I had to know. "Be with you..?" I don't know if she understood or not but it was clear I needed to ask this right. "Kale would you like to be my girl friend?" There wasn't any other way to say it, I couldn't beat around the bush any longer. "One question first, what the hell is your last name," it was a serious question but she was laughing. "Horan," I couldn't help but laugh with her, she was infectious, "I never got yours either!" "Proson." "What kinda last name is that?" I nudged her. "I should be asking you the same question," she mimicked a British accent. "Now that we both know, what do you say?" "Yes, Mr.Horan, I'd love to be," She kissed me. But all I could think now was management was gonna freak. Oh well too late.

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