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I know you're about to judge me in this chapter. I'm aware that they are moving too fast for a real couple but let's just remember she's dying. Let's keep it in mind. Also since I've combined several chapters into one chapter it's going to look like a really short fanfic. Oh well.


I couldn't believe how fast this week had been. I never got the chance to be with Niall but we still had the whole ride home to enjoy each other. The girls were so much fun, we got along so well. Danielle had dance today and Perrie was doing something with her band, what was the name, oh yeah, Little Mix. Never heard of em. I looked out my overly tinted window at the cars passing by, I'd be at the airport in a minute, Niall would be waiting, I knew it. We pulled onto a gravel road, a sharp crunching and bumping outside the hummer. The car pulled onto a private runway then pulled to a stop. I threw open the door grabbing my mound of shopping bags and running to a thin figure in a purple hoodie waiting beside the plane. I dropped my bags with a thump and wrapping my arms against his waist. "I love you," I whispered in his ear. His muscles tensed and he didn't turn. I ran around to his front to find curly brown hair. My face grew warm and I tried to stutter out an apology. Harry broke into a gorgeous smile and snickered. "It's fine love, Niall's waiting inside," he jestured towards the door, he then squatted down scooping up my crap and followed swiftly behind as I crept up the stairs. I tiptoed through the cabin to find Niall facing opposite of me. I ran as quietly as I could in my excitement leaping onto his muscular back. He grunted a little in feint surprise and tilted his head back to look at me. I cupped the sides of his face and planted an upside down kiss on him and I could feel him smiling as we sat like this frozen. His stare was driving holes into the back of my neck, but I didn't want to release my grip. I ended up having to anyways because the longer it went on the more his ever presence was getting under my skin. I dropped to my feet pushing away from Niall and turned to face Harry. He just sat there not even trying to look away like a normal person tons of bags in hand. Niall cleared his throat, "You can just leave those right there," he said pointing to the floor in front of Harry. "Oh. Oh yeah," he seemed to clear his head as he dropped the bags stealing glances at us and turned and walked out the doors. I thought nothing of it but Niall just stared as he watched Harry slowly take one step down the stairs at a time and step into a car taking one last look at our plane and close the door. The tires squealed as both the car that brought me here and the one that brought the boys pulled out of the airport. The hatch closed with a thump and the plane took off with a jerk sending us tumbling into a plush couch. We tried to get settled in for the long ride home. Just me and my prince.

one month later

I collapsed onto the four banister bed letting out a woof of air and kicking the wheelchair away from me. I couldn't even imagine this when we had gotten back from London had suggested I move in with him so I wouldn't have to worry about apartment costs. I never believed we'd last longer than the plane bathroom and we had. I reached up to run my fingers through my thinning hair. The chemo had started to do its work but not enough I'm guessing because I was getting weaker everyday. I literally woke up at noon and went to bed at four. Niall would lay beside me for hours not saying anything, rubbing my fingers or just laying motionless, staring at the ceiling not truly with me but not gone like in a coma. He was just silent. I imagine he was thinking about my 20 last days. Counting the hours. Watching time pass, as I was. I stared out the window resting my hand in the empty space beside me. Niall was out in the yard, I could see him scrambling around, dropping things and wiping the sweat from his face. The snow had gone leaving the earth with an empty chill. Just then Niall passed again carrying a ton of wood. What in the world was he doing? I couldn't bring the energy to lift myself up to check it out. Hours passed, I could here him pounding and cursing then pounding again. Eventually it all just stopped. Then backdoor swung open with a creak. A dirty face in a equally dirty polo stared at me from the doorway. "Hey, how're you feeling?" He smiled warmly and I could feel it in my bones. "Just fine now," I motioned for him to come closer and he bent down so I could put my arms around him. He lifted me up and carried me to the closet, "pick something nice." "Why??" "Just do it," he whispered in my ear. I pointed to a pretty red sun dress and he set me in a chair and yanked it down. Gently, he helped me change into it, then handed me a brush letting me comb my tangles out of my red hair. I felt better already, I handed the comb back to him and he set it on a shelf and picked me up again this time carrying me towards the backyard. Attached to the oak tree sat a cute little porch swing, that must've been what he was working on all day. He placed me on the swing and sat beside me. I was immediately chilled to the bone and began to shake, he took off the jacket he'd grabbed on the way out placing it around me. It smelled like cologne and dirt, I shrugged deeper inside it as if hiding from the world. I noticed Niall was looking at the sky and I followed his gaze to the most beautiful sight I'd ever laid eyes on. The stars twinkled like little specks of gold spilled all over the sky. I moved my hand to find Niall's and he gripped it sending warmth up my arm. It was quiet for a moment, I could hear it, a low hum growing loader. I knew this song, "Look at the stars look how they shine for you..." he trailed off his eyes trained on me. I continued the next verse, "And everything you do, Yeah, they were all yellow," we continued like this switching off until the song came to a close. "You're so beautiful, you know that right?" I blushed not saying a thing, I could see him out of the corner of my eye, watching my reaction. "You are," he was standing up. "Where're you going?" "No where" he crouched down in front of me pulling something out of his pocket, "Kale, will you be mine forever?" he held a little black box in his palms flicking it open to reveal a shiny little diamond ring. It was gorgeous, he was gorgeous, this night was just so perfect. I could feel the tears welling up in my eyes as I struggled to make words. I couldn't do it, I bobbed my head up and down and reaching out for him, my soon to be husband. He kissed me like he hadn't since I stopped walking this was the Niall I missed. The one standing before me, the one that was mine.

 I had been wiggling And staring at my newly decorated finger constantly for a week. I couldn't believe this it was just wow. I could feel the smile spreading across my face. Niall had to go do an interview with the band about what's coming up in their first album. I clicked on the flat screen mounted on the wall of our bedroom. Our. My new favorite word. As the commercials droned about cleaning supplies and happy children painting cups of jello on walls I thought about the upcoming week. Niall wanted the wedding to be as soon as possible, it was gonna be next Wednesday. Nothing special just the boys and their girlfriends, some guys named Andy and Josh, my family and Niall's. I looked out the window to the spot where I'd say my vows and Niall his. I could see the misty swirl of a dress and a black tux, pews and surrounding people, tables an flowers, through the unbreaking rain. I watched my imagination wedding until the clapping overpowered my attention. I turned back to the tv to find a grinning host with his arm around Liam's shoulders, like two best friends posing for a picture. "We're here with the newest heart throbbing sensation to hit the world, One Direction," his voice was low and announcer-like. All five of the boys politely smiled waving at the camera and the teenage girls spilling over the fence that separated the stands from the stage. They all took a seat on a fancy couch leaning to hear the man as he asked endless questions. Eventually the subject changed to girls, Liam and Louis went on and on about El and Dani. They were so cute, I couldn't help smiling at the looks they got on there faces. Zayn's chatter about Perrie was considerably shorter, I could understand that, they never got to see each other, but still. That boy had to learn to gush. Harry hinted about some girl he had met, but assured the fans that nothing serious was going on. "So we've seen a certain red head come out of no where, what about her Niall, deets?" that man did not just say deets. Yes, I think he did. "Her names Kale, she's from the U.S., she has cancer....and we're engaged..." he added on quietly. The crowd turned to gasps and quiet whispers. "Really, what's the ring look like?" he actually looked a tad interested. Niall showed him a picture of the ring on my hand, from the night he asked me, on his phone. "gorgeous," the man slurred, "can we get this on the big screen?" a few seconds later an enlarged picture of my grotesquely skinny hand showed on the tv. "Ok, we're outta time, join us next week with Robert Pattinson." The cameras panned on the boys and the shocked crowd and darkened changing back to commercials. I turned the tv off closing my eyes. It was official I couldn't be imagining this. It was actually happening. I drifted off my hand covering my ring as rain splashed at the window.

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