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Not sure when I fell asleep, but when I woke it felt like a baby had been sitting on my head last night. My head hurt and there didn't seem to be an end to it. I groaned as I turned over to see Niall on the floor snoring like a chainsaw.

My treatment started today, I didn't want to go I just wanted to lay in this dingy couch all day and stare at this beautiful face. I still couldn't believe he wanted me. Me. The dying oddball. Yup, me. But no matter what I wanted my hands still moved to pull me up into a sitting position. I could feel Niall's breathing quite as I paced across the room.

"Where're you going," his words slurred with sleep.

"I've got an appointment today," I whispered as if I could wake him up anymore. But he was already putting a shirt on.

"Then I'm coming with you," his hair stuck out everywhere in a classic cutesy bed head way.

"Alright, " it wasn't like I could stop him anyways. I grabbed my keys and we shuffled out the front door. Mounds of cotton ball snow sat untouched at the edges of the sidewalk. I guess he couldn't help himself, I don't think I would've either had I not been going where I was. Niall tackled me into the snow. Down we went, the cold was instant but it didn't seem to effect me as he went down for a kiss. I threw him off and we laid there laughing like crazy people. Eventually he got up pulling me after him. The snow reflected the light perfectly in his blonde hair like an angel.

He was an angel, God apparently couldn't stand me to be miserable. He gave me the one thing that could help me carry on, and be brave, he gave me Niall. We walked to the car, but one little problem...it was snowed in, we'd have to walk.

He grabbed for my gloved hand as we trudged through the snow, luckily the hospital wasn't that far. I'd have to call a car service to drop off a vehicle at the hospital though, it's going to be much colder in a couple of hours and I know I won't feel like walking after this.

Girls kept coming up screaming their heads off, anger filling many of their high pitched voices. I couldn't hide my confusion.

"I'll explain later," was all he said as he autographed their papers and said hello and what not. Another thing, random people were taking pictures of us...what the hell was going on..seriously? We walked into the hospital just as the snow started to fall again.

I just happened to check what was going on in the twitter world when photos of me and him showed up with questions like "WHO'S THAT GIRL?" and stuff like that.

What? I turned to Niall as a nurse lead us into a private room to wait. I showed him the pictures.

"See it's hard to explain.. I'm in this band, right? And uh just Google me.." I did. "I've heard of this band, and you're in it??"

"Yeah, just a fifth," he looked like he was trying not to go on and on.

"So you're like famous.."


"You could've had any girl in the world and you chose one who didn't even know your name."

Who did that? "It didn't matter if you were a fan, you were special, like a princess."

His smile was heart felt, and beautiful. He pulled out his phone and posed beside me "Say cheese," I smiled and he snapped the photo.

I could see him writing a tweet about saying hi to his new girlfriend Kale and yada yada, he hit tweet and gave me a hug. I could see out of the corner of my eye his twitter exploding with hate of course and lots of love too. One Direction. Maybe I'd have to invest some time in his public life.

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