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This is the only chapter I remember writing because I had to physically look up the Nando's menu and that's a lot of effort. Safari, let me tell you how disappointed I am in you right now. It's literally crashed twice.


The way Niall was looking at me you'd think I was covered in Peri Peri Sauce. It was actually starting to make me uncomfortable when he spoke, I almost missed it, it was so soft, " You look beautiful tonight, I love you kale." I could feel my cheeks flare up, he thought I looked beautiful. In my day old clothing that I still hadn't changed out of and my running make-up? I quickly replaced the blush with a smile, it was genuine I knew that. I leaned across the rickety table to whisper in his ear. "I love you too Niall." I could feel him relax with satisfaction. He pulled me out of the store like a prince, my prince. We passed dozens of little stores, all with bright colors, it was getting close to Christmas I noticed. I wonder what Niall would like. We made an unexpected turn on to a street I hadn't been on yet. One store was still open, he walked me inside and told me to close my eyes. "No peaking," he warned. I did as I was told and sat in a little chair by the door. It was warm in here and it smelled like freshly carved wood. I heard footsteps coming towards me and the scrape of a chair against the linoleum. It was a beautiful sound. It started out slow and gentle and worked its way louder filling my ears. I didn't know he could play guitar, the sound was amazing though. I knew this song from somewhere but I couldn't remember who sang it or even what it was because he had started the first voice and the sound was intoxicating. "...I'll be givin it my bestest, and nothing's gonna stop me..." I started to sing along to the next line like I did when no one else was around. I guess I got lost in his voice and forgot we weren't the only people on this planet.


Oh my god, her voice it was breathtaking. I watched her face as she sang along to my cover of I'm Yours. Kales eyes were closed and her face, some hair had fallen in her face has relaxed and she was leaning against her chair. How could someone always look good no matter what they did. As I strummed the last set of notes she opened up her eyes. They were a bright blue and watery. She smiled as the tears ran down her face, "thank you." I smiled kissed her cheek. She stood up and walked to where the pianos sat on the other side of the room. She wore the same skinny jeans that hugged her legs in all the right places and a maroon blouse with a fluffy white jacket on top as when I met her since she didn't get the chance to change earlier. Her long red hung around her in perfect ringlets. She dropped her jacket and sat on the piano bench. She googled something on her phone then set it on top where she could see it. I heard a few familiar notes and she scrolled on phone. "Give you this give you that blow a kiss take it back if I looked inside your brain, I would find lots of things clothes shoes diamond rings..." she continued the song and I listened awestruck. I loved her voice. When she was finished she sat there looking at the keys running her fingers across the wood. "My mom used to take me to this little store on Main Street every Sunday, she said it was a treat for how good I'd been all week. She would take me back to the junky little piano in the corner," she laughed a little, "I used to think it was the most beautiful thing. She would sit down beside me, both of us in our church dresses. Her fingers would run across the keys without a problem playing such pretty notes. And then she'd show me. We spent hours in that little corner reading music, chatting and playing. I miss that so much." She got quite then. "Tell me about your family babe," We'd spent nearly two days together and she hadn't spoke of them once. "There isn't really much to it, My parents met in a little town in Georgia. When they had me they decided they needed to try for a better life and moved to L.A. My dad had spent his time in college learning everything about Film. He wanted to be a director. He tried hard but he wasn't successful. We mostly lived on a teachers salary... my mother was a teacher," she added, "When I was 3 my sister was born. I remember my parents fighting about how we were going to make any money, how we were gonna survive," She looked sad as she stared at the floor and I moved to site beside her wrapping my arms around her, "they eventually got through it, my dad quit trying to make movies and became a commercial photographer. It doesn't pay a ton, just enough to get the bills payed. He, my mom, and my sister live outside of L.A now. My sister's name is Jolicity. She's fifteen now, sixteen in a couple of months. We never really fought and I love her and miss her so much, she's going to leave school for a month or two to come stay with me soon. I think that's it." "Thanks for telling me," I said as I leaned my chin over her shoulder. "So where are we anyways," she looked around. "Bands and Musical Stands, it's just a music store, an old friend of mine owns it, he let me have a key so I can come in whenever." "Oh, that's cool I wish I owned a music store having all this stuff to play." I took her hand and we locked everything up. I pulled her in close as we stood on the porch, the moon throwing shadows on her face making her eyes dance like blue fire, I started to hum slightly under my breathe and she did the same in a higher octave making a harmony. I clasped one hand on her back as we began to go in circles dancing, into the night. 

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