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I knew what I just did was wrong, I could feel it as I shoved my shirt over my head bumping into Niall's nude body. I let him finish dressing. I guess the plain had just landed because there wasn't any turbulence anymore. He unlocked the door and I lead the way down the hallway into the main cabin to see seven faces staring back at me. There was an awkward silence then one, I'm guessing Louis by the description I was given, started cracking up, slowly everyone started to laugh along. I could feel my face turning a deep red and I turned and buried my face into Niall's blue, cotton polo. I glanced up to see his cheeks were burning too, though he was hiding it well. "It must've been good since we've been sitting here what," he turned to a Justin Bieber sorta kinda look alike,"forty minutes or how long Liam?" So that was Liam? He checked his watch and nodded smiling, grabbing for a stunning girl's left hand. One of the girls, a blonde in crazy clothing piped up, "Well I think we gotta go if we're gonna hit any of the good stores," she leaned over and kissed a dark complected boy who must have been Zayn, and walked over to me and grabbed my hand shaking it, "I'm Perri it's so nice to meet you," she introduced herself. "You too, I'm Kale," I answered her. The two other girls stood introducing themselves and their boyfriends. But there was one they hadn't named and he was now striding towards me, instead of shaking my hand he pulled me into a full hug, I felt so awkward. As he pulled away his curls brushed my face, looking straight at me I got distracted by his eyes. They were the perfect shade of green. "I'm Harry," he smiled. I could feel Niall's hand creeping onto mine and he stepped a little closer. "Nice to meet you," I didn't know why else to say because the chattering had died down in the background. Danielle latched onto me forcing Niall to release me as she pulled me towards the door the two other girls trailing behind. "Where are we headed first," I tried to casually ask. "Starbucks," Eleanor immediately answered in a voice of someone who had run several miles without water. The steered me towards a hummer with a driver waiting with his foot against the silver door. Danielle hopped in front and the rest of us piled in the back seat. She flipped on the radio and some British song I didn't know was playing its closing lines. Some lady announced the radio station and the first notes of some song started when the girls all turned to each other like they new something I didn't. The first verse started an they all started scream singing it. I guess I had a confused look pasted on my face because when it ended Eleanor explained that it was a song that One Direction, the band my boyfriend was in, had just released. I really liked that song, it had a nice sound to it. I guess I never really got it in to my head that my Niall, being so down to earth, was famous, I still couldn't process it, this was insane. I wasn't anybody important. I bent down to check my phone for the first time in forever, a couple of messages from my sister saying she missed me and what not. I braved the Twitter app, my connect had exploded. Pictures of me and Niall, love, hate, and tweets from Harry and Louis saying that we were being extremely loud and other embarrassing stuff from today's events. I had 125K followers, that was crazy considering I only had 25 to start with. I scrolled through some of the mentions following, replying, and retweeting some people. Then I sent out a tweet with just a couple of irrelevant words. Hey guys, what's up? I set my phone down for a minute and picked it up to find that there was 300 retweets and 20 replies already. This was just insane. I checked trends and found that "Niall's Princess" was on the list. Was that me? Was I his princess? I was no princess, I didn't even have a dollar to my name.


I followed the rest of the boys from the plane, squeezing the empty space of where Kale's hand should be. It was insane that I already missed her like crazy it had been what, fifteen minutes since she stepped through the door with the rest of the girls. We got into a black hummer that awaited us at the bottom of the stairs. I piled into the back with Lou, Haz, and Liam, me being squashed in the middle. Everybody was chatting at one time trying to catch up with one another's lives. Louis and Eleanor were going on vacation after our first tour to get away from it all, Danielle was going away to dance with some American band for a couple weeks soon and Liam was trying to get as much time together as possible. Harry was just being Harry. Zayn and Perrie were having issues right now but were working through it. It got silent as they all turned to me. "What," I turned my eyes down to my hands. "You're not even gonna tell us about her," Louis gasped. The only problem was I was sure if I got started talking about her I'd never stop, but oh well we had time to kill. So I told them everything that had happened in the last couple of days. I looked around as I was speaking, oddly enough Harry seemed the most interested. As I listened to myself I realized just how amazing my princess was. 

The week slipped by quickly, meeting after meeting, call after call. I just needed time to relax. So during recording breaks I started to wander through the bland recording studio walls. The canvas white walls were starting to get to me so as I was pacing down a commercial carpeted hall I stopped at a random door and found myself grasping the brass knob and twisting it. Supply closet. Nice dark quiet supply closet. I shut the door behind me and plopped down on a stool when something hard hit me from behind. I stumbled to my feet turning around like a drunk man, just a mop, it's sponge was dripping with some dirty unknown liquid which was also covering my back wherein was hit. Great, awesome really. I knew I was starting to get grumpy. I looked down to my left hand realizing I had never put my guitar down in the recording room. Oh well, setting it up against a shelf, it was probably safer with me, Louis was getting restless, which meant he was going insane breaking everything in sight and eating all my food. Which upset me even more. I reached my hand into my khaki pocket retrieving my battered blackberry. I didn't have to even think about what to do, my hands had already found a familiar contact. Kale. I hadn't spoken to her since we got here, that was like three days ago, I had no idea what she has been doing without me, or even if she was still breathing. Yet I have the sneaking suspicion I'd be called if she were to die. I pressed the call button. The phone rang twice before she answered. "Niall!" she at least sounded excited that I had finally decided to call. The noise in the background was almost deafening. "What have you guys been doing, whys it so loud?" "Perrie wanted to go to this club in Greater London, it's so fun, I'd love to come with you sometime babe," she continued on telling me how much fun they all had shopping and getting to know each other. How did girls just click like that. I'll never understand. Eventually you couldnt hear her anymore and we had today our goodbyes. I set the phone down on a box of cleaning supplies feeling lonelier than ever. I picked my guitar up and strummed out a line from These Words, imagining Kale were there to listen. She wasn't, I only had to make it through one more day. I thought about our management meeting today, getting chewed out while defending the girl I love most. I deserved to be happy, didn't I? No matter the cost I wanted to hold her heart in both hands.

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