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Please don't try and call the number in this chapter bro. I've never tried to call it so I don't know if it's real but if it is just remember, you interrupted an old man in his nap. That's just cruel. Okay back to the story.


I could feel the metal of the seatbelt stabbing at my backbone but I didn't want him to stop. But there it was again, as soon as I begin to hope he kills it. I tried to continue with awkward kisses to wherever I could reach being pinned underneath him, but it was obvious there would be no continuing today. He groaned as he untangled himself from me.

"What, you can't just do that and stop," I have to admit I was a tad hurt and feeling rejected.

He didn't even answer me he just kissed my forehead and got out and walked across to my side of the car and opened the back door and lifted me out like a new bride, kicked the door shut with his shoe and carried me through the ever increasing snow to the door to the building, the doorman opened it with slight surprise like this was nothing new but still it was.

Still holding me Niall jammed the elevator button and a sharp clicking began as it traveled towards the ground floor. We stepped inside the mirrored box and he let me down so I could hit the number to my floor. As the doors shut he pushed me up against the wall and started to kiss me but lighter this time, more thought out.

I grabbed for his back as he flattened me to the cold wall. Ding, we had reached my floor, I unlatched myself and squeezed out from under him. I grabbed his hand a pulled him along the cheaply carpeted halls. Row after row of doors, leading up to mine.

I jabbed the key into the lock jingling it around for a second before turning it. I threw the door back to find something so unexpected. I fell to my knees. What did I do to deserve this? Clothes were strewn everywhere, books were torn. And in the middle of this perfect mess was a little fairy doll with dull blonde hair, ripped to shreds.

That was my grandmother's, the grandmother I never got to know more than eight years before death took her for his own. I started to tremble. Warm hands came up behind me and rubbed my shoulders, a familiar voice whispered it's okay but it seemed like I was hearing it from miles away.

It was plain and out there, my apartment had been robbed. I finally found the courage to stand and walk into the pit, the first thing I had to check was if my savings were where they were supposed to be. At one point the money was being saved for college but it's apparent that I wouldn't be attending any universities any longer.

My legs felt like a ton of lead as I made my way to the air vent above my bed. I pulled up a chair to stand on and pulled away the metal thingy that goes on the outside. Nothing. What. Who ever looked there? I'd be understating if I said I was devastated. I had nothing I was broke.

It wasn't like I could ask my parents for money like every other teenage girl. They worked so hard to be where they are, I couldn't take that away from them, especially since they were teetering on the edge of poverty.

I sat down on the bed where at the moment I was developing a massive migraine. This would only decrease my life span I can't stress. But what was I supposed to do. I heard police sirens wailing outside my window.

Niall must've called the police, doesn't matter they can't help me. He came into the room a sad serious look clouding his gorgeous face. Niall said nothing when he sat beside me on the bed, but what really was there to say? Nothing. The answer always ended with nothing.


Kale was in pretty bad shape. I could feel her shaking as I sat there motionless beside her. There was a rapping at the door, I squeezed her hand and shuffled out of the room to get it. Two policeman stood in the hallway, one was a dark complected woman the other a blonde stalky man.

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