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Incredibly short chapter but I needed a warm ending for once.


My eyes fluttered open at the sound of footsteps shuffling up the stairs. More than one pair. I lifted myself up with my elbows pushing my back up against the headboard resting my head on the oak. The door slowly opened, two blue eyes peered around the room landing on mine which were staring back, he looked surprised to see me awake. Niall flung the door back revealing several more faces. Walking over he planted a kiss on my forehead and whispered, "how're we feeling,?" "Fine, just a little tired," I wrapped my arms around his neck. The rest of the boys filed in standing around and behind Niall waving hi after I had released Niall. They all whispered words of encouragement and congratulations as they kneeled to hug me. Harry didn't seem happy about it but he didn't say anything so I dismissed it. Niall stood up and jogged out of the room and down the stairs. "what's up with him," my bore furrowed. "oh nothing," Liam smiled patting the leg nearest to where he was sitting at the edge of the bed. Several The sun was in my eyes forcing them open and I had to pee. I tried to get out of bed and ended up thumping my face on the wooden floor. I struggled trying to get my legs untangled from my sheets. I freed myself and lazily pulled myself to my feet and stumbled into the bathroom to relieve myself. Flushing the toilet and running my hands under the cool water I sat and stared into the mirror examining myself. I ran some water through my nappy hair and dried my hands and went downstairs to the kitchen. Someone had carried Kale down because she was looking at me over a giant hunk of egg. Everybody was here and presentable except Zayn, which was reasonable it was only ten o'clock. Kale's little sister let out a loud sound that might have been a laugh but funnier as Lou whispered in her ear, causing Harry to choke on his pancakes. I laughed and grabbed a plate from the cabinet, my mom took it from me loading it with all kinds of food, she placed in my hands and kissed me in the cheek and plopped down across the table from my father who was chatting up my older brother. Liam was on the phone quoting a toy story movie and laughing at whoever was on the other end of the line- I'm guessing Dani. The house was so lively this morning as it rarely was anymore. With my mother always busy and Greg moved out it was quite, it didn't get much better when Kale couldn't leave our bed anymore. I dug into the pile of bacon on my plate joining in on conversations here and there. We heard heavy steps coming down the stairs and a unshaven tired face come around the corner. "In tip top shape as usual," someone muttered. I had to admit he looked like he was in a hangover, he probably felt like it being awake five hours early. Zayn grunted as he turned the opposite way and flopped on the couch, within seconds he was snoring. We all had a good laugh and continued with our conversations. Everyone had finished soon enough leaving a pile of dishes in the sink. My mother was wiping everything down so I parked myself in front of the pile with a rag in one hand and dish soap in the other. Setting myself to work I looked out of a nearby window to see every one engaged in a game of football. Kale was set on the swing I'd made with a fuzzy blanket and some coffee. She looked so beautiful, she always did. I looked down at the glass I was scrubbing and back up to find Harry sitting beside her, they were talking about something and she was laughing. I looked back down at the dish, I could see drops falling into the tub of water. I tried to dry my eyes with my t-shirt unsuccessfully. I still couldn't bring myself to accept she wasn't always gonna be by my side. I felt a reassuring hand rubbing my back, "It's going to be alright," she whispered. My mom stared out at the outdoor activities for a few minutes with me then left turned leaving me with only my thoughts.


The cold was biting at my cheeks as I sat wrapped in a fuzzy little blanket watching everyone play. I loved the looks on their faces, smiling, happy. I felt my bench lean a tad and I glanced over to find Harry perched on the other end. "Hey," I smiled a little. He never replied just launched into some story, making me laugh. He continued waving his hands around like a mad man, it was something about a frog and a mouse falling in love, which made me laugh even harder. He just kept rambling on as I turned back to watch the game. My sister had the ball and was about to go around Louis when he grabbed her up, shouting at Zayn to get the ball. "Cheaters," I mumbled under a giggle. I felt a hand on mine, I turned to find Niall standing quietly beside me. I pushed myself over to the middle to let him have a seat. There was no way this thing could hold all three off us. But it felt nice, normal even, just three people enjoying a cold winter evening. Sharing a laugh. Like nothing was going to change. I relaxed myself into Niall's chest listening to his heart, feeling the rise and fall of his chest. He petted my hair, untwisting curls then letting them spring back into place. I finally felt at home there. The realization of this seemed to thaw out even the most cold numbed features of my body. Home. This was home. 

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